Published at 28th of June 2024 05:48:48 AM

Chapter 348: This Era Belongs to Su Chen!

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Chapter 348: This Era Belongs to Su Chen!

It had been a week since the Dream Shadow Clan was killed.

In these few days, led by Emperor, Humans expanded their territory to a thousand miles beyond the four major battlefronts. This was the first time Humans had reached these areas.

All the Mutant Beasts that were killed were turned into meat and distributed to countless households, causing meat prices in the market to plummet. Even the poorest could now afford meat.

This reminded some Old Men of the time before the Apocalypse, when the price of pork had risen so high that many ordinary people couldn't afford it. The disparity between then and now was staggering.

Humans had a preference for meat from pigs, sheep, and cattle. This led to slightly higher prices for meat from mutated pigs, cows, and sheep compared to other Mutant Beasts. Humans even began raising them in the hopes of reviving the pre-Apocalypse pork, beef, and mutton.

Victories on the battlefield aside, Humans were preparing to establish new cities instead of just Base Cities.

Without the threat of Mutant Beasts and Mutants, they planned to demolish the ruins of previous cities and construct entirely new ones. This new city was named "Su City."

This was the first city Humans had built since the Apocalypse, holding significant symbolism. Its location was carefully chosen.

It was said to have been a bustling international metropolis before the Apocalypse, with a population of no less than tens of millions. Now, it had transformed into Su City.

With external threats eliminated, Humans began to rebuild the education system. Previously, the pressure from external factors had been too great, and what Humans needed was a strong fighting force. The children needed to learn how to enhance their strength and deal with Mutant Beasts.

However, things were different now. While the curriculum content remained mostly unchanged, some new courses, such as language and mathematics, were introduced. This left children who were just encountering this knowledge looking bewildered.

In order to revert to their former state, this was necessary. These matters were under the management of the Human Emperor.

Su Chen remained the supreme leader, but most of the time, he wouldn't involve himself in the minutiae. Temporary management was delegated to Emperor Kong, who held the highest prestige among the Human Emperors.

Watching the world of Humans change day by day, Emperor Kong always had a smile on his face.

He had never imagined that Humans could become the rulers of Earth so quickly. This timeframe was much shorter than he anticipated.

Back then, he had experienced moments of pessimism, thinking that Humans might not last much longer.

"I knew you didn't... Huh??" Su Chen was taken aback. He heard something - the System had a solution?

"The last time you asked me, your permissions weren't at level 8. Now, your permissions are sufficient, so the solution is available."

No match for the System in a battle of wits!

Taking a deep breath, Su Chen controlled himself from hurling insults at the System. He then asked, "What's the solution? Please tell me quickly."

"Leng Yuwei's situation is that her Soul power is too strong, but her body can't bear it. So, by increasing her strength, she can accommodate the gradually recovering Soul power. The System suggests that the master consider turning Leng Yuwei into one of his own. This way, her strength can be directly elevated to the peak of the eighth order, and any abnormalities will vanish."

Su Chen's eye twitched. What you said makes perfect sense, and I can't counter it!

The key is that Leng Yuwei isn't a part of the Red Alert system. How can I turn her into one of my own?

Suddenly, Su Chen had an idea, "Are you saying I should turn her into my woman?"

"Truly the master, you've grasped the essence in an instant. Next, the System will automatically go offline, and you won't be able to see anything. Please proceed as you wish." With that, the System fell silent.

Su Chen really wanted to express his condolences to the System, but unfortunately, the System was ignoring him. He couldn't do anything about it.

He looked at Leng Yuwei before him. To be honest, Leng Yuwei was a beautiful woman. In the past, he would never have had any interaction with such a woman. However, in this world, he had become the supreme leader of Humans, while Leng Yuwei was far from his level.

Su Chen recalled his interactions with Leng Yuwei in the past. He realized that they hadn't communicated much. He couldn't help but smile wryly.

"Yuwei, there's a way for you to recover now, but..." Su Chen couldn't finish his sentence. He felt like it sounded like he was taking advantage of the situation.

"Go ahead, I... already owe you so much. I probably... won't be able to repay you... in this lifetime," Leng Yuwei said with an expression that saw through the world. The constant hunger and excruciating pain of the past few days had nearly driven her to the brink.

Regardless of death or rebirth, she was willing to give it a shot. In fact, she had an idea in her heart that Su Chen didn't know about.

"Even if I have to die, I'll throw away my first time before I die!" (To be continued...)

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