Published at 28th of June 2024 05:48:45 AM

Chapter 350: Red Alert Empire!

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Chapter 350: Red Alert Empire!

This Emperor meeting took many Human Emperors by surprise, to be honest.

You see, for quite some time now, Su Chen has been rarely seen by anyone. It's unclear where he's been. The only ones who had contact with him were his super soldiers under his command, like Li Shaolong and others.

It's still the familiar scene, the number of Human Emperors hasn't increased, and it's still too early.

Believing that if Humans were given more time, the number of Human Emperors would significantly rise.

"Emperor Su, is there something specific you wish to address by convening this Emperor meeting?" Emperor Kong was the first to ask.

During this time, Emperor Kong had been overwhelmed with tasks, and Su Chen had essentially become a hands-off manager. Many decisions had to go through him, causing quite a headache.

Especially the establishment of Su City, which was a massive undertaking. Even though half a month had passed, it was barely taking shape and still far from being usable.This chapter was first shared on the Ñøv€lß1n platform.

Just as he finished speaking, Emperor Kong was astonished to notice that there was someone else beside Su Chen, a woman!

"Captain Leng, what are you doing there?" Eastern Emperor exclaimed in surprise. He recognized the person sitting beside Su Chen. It was Leng Yuwei, who had fought alongside him on the eastern front for a while.

However, Eastern Emperor hesitated to acknowledge her. The Leng Yuwei he remembered always had a cold expression, but the person before him was smiling warmly and leaning against Su Chen. Their relationship was clear.

Other Emperors didn't recognize Leng Yuwei since she hadn't been a significant figure before.

"Now that you've all seen her, I'll come straight to the point. She's my woman, and also the wife of Emperor Su. But that's not what we're here to discuss in this Emperor meeting. Instead..." Su Chen's expression turned serious, "I'm planning to establish an empire."

All the Emperors' expressions changed. Establish an empire?

Since the Apocalypse, Humans had abandoned the concept of nations. Some children born after the Apocalypse had no understanding of what a nation was. However, they still knew about it.

"Emperor Su, you need to consider this carefully; it's not a matter to be taken lightly," Western Emperor was the first to advise.

"Yes, establishing an empire isn't something to be mentioned casually. Even before the Apocalypse, there were no empires," Eastern Emperor chimed in. Not a single Human Emperor thought establishing an empire was a good idea; it might trigger strong opposition.

Su Chen knew that when he made this decision, there would be opposition. After all, the concept of an empire had long been outdated.

However, he had his own ideas, and the establishment of an empire was imperative.

Emperor Kong felt helpless. This was Su Chen's decision, and no one could refuse it. Besides, they had explained that despite establishing an empire, things would largely remain the same. Yet, this wave of opposition emerged unexpectedly.

"Have you identified the instigators behind these activities?"

"We've only managed to identify a portion; many individuals were involved." Deputy sighed. He hadn't expected Lord of Kings to initiate such a move, and there was barely enough time to investigate.


Emperor Kong angrily slapped the table, shattering it. Deputy, who was behind him, saw this and thought they'd need to get a new table again.

"These people didn't dare to come out when Humans were facing significant threats. But now that the situation has stabilized, they're all coming out of the woodwork. Who gave them the courage?"

Emperor Kong was genuinely frustrated. He recognized many of the people involved in this protest; they were members of families from various Base Cities.

"Resolve this issue, and I'll handle the communication with the other Emperors."

"Understood, Emperor Kong."

Su Chen paid no mind to these matters. If he had to personally intervene in such minor issues, wouldn't that imply the others were incapable?

Su Chen's main concern was how to increase his own strength as quickly as possible.

Now that Humans had occupied more territory, Su Chen began to follow his tried-and-true approach—building Mobile Construction Vehicles (MCVs) and establishing new bases in various locations. These would become new Sub-bases.

The current Sub-bases didn't need significant combat capabilities; however, they must have units for resource collection, specifically mining.

Su Chen planned to cast a wide net, utilizing Earth's abundant mineral resources to enrich his coffers. He could then await the results of Yun Ru and the others' research.

Not only Yun Ru and Libra were involved in research now; apart from a few super soldier types requiring interaction with the outside world, the rest were all focused on the combat laboratory, working day and night on various technologies.

Coincidentally, Su Chen had received a powerful buff after defeating the Dream Shadow Clan. It boosted the research efficiency of the combat laboratory

. This wasn't the time to waste it. (To be continued)

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