Published at 28th of June 2024 05:48:43 AM

Chapter 352: Abundant Ores Everywhere

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Chapter 352: Abundant Ores Everywhere

A few minutes later, the Celestial Armor piloted by Su Chen and his team came to a halt in the sky above a certain area. This place appeared no different from its surroundings—everything was white.

"So, this is the place the South Emperor mentioned. But there's nothing here?" Su Chen scrutinized the area carefully, indeed finding nothing.

He then instructed his subordinates to begin searching in the vicinity. With the strength of the super soldiers, it wouldn't take long to search every nook and cranny. However, the result remained the same—nothing.

"The old method, bombarding the ground below!"

Su Chen decided to employ the same tactic they used to locate the Qiluo Civilization's refuge. All ten Celestial Armors opened fire at full force, creating a spectacular scene.

Boom, boom, boom!

Explosions were everywhere, causing avalanches on the surrounding peaks. Yet, as there were no inhabitants around, this wasn't an issue.

Seeing that there were no changes below, Su Chen couldn't help but show a hint of frustration. They couldn't even find an entrance, so how were they supposed to get in?

"Why didn't the South Emperor tell me how to enter?" Su Chen wondered aloud.

Just as Su Chen was feeling somewhat speechless, Yuri's voice came through, "Commander, my Psychic Power detected a missile that seems to have disappeared."

"Where?" Su Chen's excitement grew.

The disappearance of a missile suggested that it might have entered that place. It was a promising clue.This chapter made its debut appearance via N0v3lB1n.

Guided by Yuri, Su Chen looked at where the missile had vanished. Surprisingly, it was behind a large stone.

This enormous stone was over ten meters tall and leaned against a small hill. At first glance, it seemed unremarkable.

Guangtou Qiang was the first to approach, inspecting the stone for any peculiarities. Naturally, he was the best choice for probing, as Su Chen didn't want to risk the Commander.

Guangtou Qiang pulled up a tree and hurled it at the large stone. In the blink of an eye, the tree disappeared!

Wait, that wasn't accurate. To be precise, it had entered the large stone.

Without needing Su Chen to speak, Guangtou Qiang entered the stone first to ensure its safety. Only then would Commander follow to prevent any danger.

After about a minute, Guangtou Qiang's voice sounded in Su Chen's mind, "Commander, I've reached a peculiar place. There are many types of ores here, scattered everywhere. After I came in, I found that the exit is gone."

Unaware of the situation, Su Chen remained cautious. Even the speed of flight had been reduced to a minimum, only slightly faster than an ordinary car on the ground.

"Other than high-altitude danger, I haven't seen any other threats here. Why didn't the South Emperor tell the other Emperors? What kind of opportunity or restriction is this place? I can't see anything," Su Chen murmured. Looking around, aside from ores, there was truly nothing else.

Where were the promised opportunities?

Where were the mentioned limitations?

Su Chen had genuinely thought that there might be some special restrictions here, which was why the South Emperor had only told him. However, now he had brought nine people inside and found nothing at all.

Just as Su Chen was contemplating this, he heard Yun Ru's voice, "Commander, something's wrong!"

"What's going on?"

"Look over there."

Following Yun Ru's direction, Su Chen saw it—a river of ores!

That's right, a river entirely composed of ores. Each of these ores was solid and flowing in a single direction, like a conventional river. However, this was an incredibly eerie sight.

Su Chen could swear he had never seen solid objects flowing on their own before.

The ore river was long and wide, not inferior to any natural river. Su Chen decided to head upstream along the ore river, hoping to find where it originated.

They dashed along the path for an hour, yet the end of the ore river was still nowhere in sight. Su Chen felt something was amiss.

"Commander, maybe we've been searching in the wrong direction," Ju Ling suggested.

"Are you saying we should search downstream?" Su Chen inquired.

"No, by direction, I mean, searching from the ground might yield better results. Clearly, they restrict high-altitude entry. Therefore, there might be something different to discover on the ground."

After pondering this suggestion, Su Chen agreed. Ju Ling had a

point, and traveling on the ground wouldn't be much slower than flying.

The group descended to the ground, intending to proceed upstream along the ore river. However, the moment they touched down, something unusual occurred in the middle of the river. (To be continued)

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