Published at 28th of June 2024 05:48:39 AM

Chapter 354: Turns Out, This Is Opportunity

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Chapter 354: Turns Out, This Is Opportunity

Not long after, the ground was littered with the dismembered remains of an Ore Giant.

If this had been humans, the scene would have been extremely gruesome. Unfortunately, this was just an Ore Giant composed of ores, and there was no harmony in its disintegration.

This time, Su Chen placed his hand on a massive piece of ore and heard the System's voice, "Energy conversion in progress. Theoretical energy conversion yield is 8000 points, actual energy acquired is 4000 points. Confirm the conversion?"


With a swish, the huge ore in front of Su Chen disappeared without a trace.

After some time, Su Chen converted all of the Ore Giant into his energy. Suddenly, he had acquired nearly a hundred thousand energy points. This was no small gain.

"Who would have thought that the loss rate would be as high as fifty percent? If I had an ore refinery and iodine stone refinement equipment, I could have obtained twice as many energy points." Su Chen sighed.

There was no way around it; the Mobile Construction Vehicle (MCV) would take several days to arrive here. In the short term, he could only resort to this method.

Of course, what he truly cared about was whether, after he absorbed the ores, new Ore Giants would appear. If that were the case, he would be making a killing!

Infinite spawning of Ore Giants meant infinite energy for him. Where else could he find such a good opportunity?

Unfortunately, Su Chen was disappointed. The Ore Giant he had absorbed did not reappear. Only nine remained in the area.

The following actions followed the same routine—Su Chen absorbed all ten Ore Giants, contributing nearly a million energy points.

What surprised Su Chen was that after the ten Ore Giants disappeared, ten glowing orbs emerged from the ore river and floated toward each of the ten individuals.

"Commander, my intuition tells me that this thing could greatly boost our strength," Ju Ling said. As a sniper, her intuition was often accurate.

The other super soldiers nodded in agreement. The orbs contained highly pure energy that could be directly absorbed without side effects, enhancing their strength. Such valuable items were scarce outside.

"System, is there any risk with this?"

"There is no risk; consuming it will make you stronger," System's response was straightforward.

The difference was that one was naturally formed, while the other condensed within living organisms.

After a quick inspection, they discovered that the energy contained within these crystals varied based on their color and size, just like Energy Crystals. The difference lay in the fact that these crystals varied from First Order to Eighth Order.

Here, they found the highest-quality crystals, which were only Fifth Order. There wasn't a single crystal above Fifth Order.

"Commander, we found something!" Li Shaolong shouted.

Su Chen walked over and, beside a crystal resembling a large tree, saw a pool of blood.

This wasn't the red blood of humans but a greenish blood with a tinge of gray.

"Most likely, this is the blood of Wind Tide or the scorpion. They've already reached the peak of the Eighth Order. What could possibly harm them?" Su Chen was puzzled.

He felt that even if Wind Tide or the scorpion had encountered the Ore Giants, escaping would have been possible if they couldn't be killed. Why would there be a pool of blood left behind?

Following the trail of blood, they pursued it until the bloodstains became more frequent. Eventually, they saw the remains of Wind Tide, incomplete and fragmented.

Wind Tide's condition was quite tragic. Half of its head was missing, and nearly half of its body was gone. What remained were unimportant body parts; even its most important energy pearl was gone.

After an examination, the super soldiers drew a conclusion.

Wind Tide's body had been eaten by a powerful creature, likely at the Ninth Order level. This creature had managed to kill Wind Tide head-on.

However, the creature seemed uninterested in Wind Tide's body itself. After taking a few bites, it had extracted the energy pearl and left.

Indeed, just a few bites were enough to reduce Wind Tide's body to its current state.

As a result, another conclusion arose: this creature's size far surpassed that of Wind Tide.

Keep in mind that once Wind Tide reached the peak of the Eighth Order, its length was nearly a kilometer. The creature that could consume Wind Tide's body with just a few bites—could it have reached tens of thousands of meters? (To be continued)

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