Published at 28th of June 2024 05:48:35 AM

Chapter 357: MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) Arrives!

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Chapter 357: MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) Arrives!

"Is its strength at the Ninth Order peak?" Su Chen asked System.

"On the surface, yes, but in reality, its combat power is comparable to a Small Galaxy Third Order."

System's words surprised Su Chen greatly. The combat power of a Small Galaxy Third Order was practically invincible on Earth.

Can't provoke, can't provoke.

Ten people began searching for the so-called unique and special crystal in the crystal area. However, in their eyes, these crystals appeared indistinguishable unless Su Chen touched them to allow System to identify their energy value.

Su Chen believed that crystals with high energy value would definitely be unique and special.

Now, the problem arises. The crystal area here was probably about the same size as the original territory of the Humans outside. Trying to find a unique and special crystal in such a large area was like finding a needle in a haystack, with very low probability.

Their food was limited, and finding such a crystal in such a short amount of time was a nightmare-level difficulty.

"I wonder if Senior South Emperor received this task in the past and how he managed to find the unique crystal?" Su Chen wondered.

After searching for a while, Su Chen felt that the current approach was ineffective. With ten people searching together, the probability of finding it was too low. The only way was to split up.

However, other super soldiers disagreed. Scorpions were still hiding somewhere, and they were uncertain if the Crystal Beast was an enemy or friend. What if Su Chen got attacked after they left?

In the end, they decided to have Ju Ling and Yun Ru protect Su Chen closely while the others searched for crystals separately.

The reason for having these two protect Su Chen was simple: they were the only two super soldiers who had evolved three times, and they were also the strongest among all the super soldiers.

Ju Ling was ranged, Yun Ru was melee, and Su Chen could use Psychic power. It was a perfect team composition.

The remaining seven people split up to search for crystals, even Boris, the cloned one, operated individually. Although his intelligence wasn't high, finding something wasn't an issue.

"The environment here is exactly like winter, except it's crystals instead of snow."

The MCV unfolded and began building a power plant, radar, ore refinery, and more. Soon, the rudimentary form of a base took shape. The only difference in this base was the absence of soldiers.

To prevent this system from reacting to slave miners, Su Chen simply didn't build any. Instead, he constructed ore refineries and the fastest Space-Time Mining Vehicle for transportation, focusing on mining.

Seeing his energy rapidly increasing, Su Chen grinned.

There were so many minerals here that it would probably take hundreds of years to deplete them. Su Chen immediately constructed a thousand Space-Time Mining Vehicles and two hundred ore refineries to mine at maximum efficiency, causing his energy points to skyrocket.

As Crystal Beast had mentioned, Mineral Giants only appeared when living beings entered. These machines had no effect.

No one would have thought that something as miraculous as the MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) would appear.

The MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) harvested minerals in all directions, and various buildings quickly emerged around it. Then... a large number of flying weapons appeared and headed straight towards Su Chen's location, moving like a rapidly shifting dark cloud.

Su Chen's idea was simple: since he was short on manpower, he would increase it.

As this mission was mainly reconnaissance-oriented and didn't require combat, unmanned reconnaissance drones were the most suitable.

Nowadays, reconnaissance drones were completely different from the early models. The first reconnaissance drones could even be caught up to by helicopters, but the current ones were faster than fighter jets.

After flying for a few hours, thousands of reconnaissance drones finally arrived in the crystal area and began searching for unique crystals.

Whatever was unique or distinctive in appearance, they collected it all. They would keep collecting until they couldn't hold any more, then transport everything to where the Crystal Beast was.

At this moment, in a certain part of the crystal area, Scorpion quietly sensed the surroundings. Not detecting any movement, it emerged from the ground.

Oddly enough, even though the area was filled with crystals, the ground was still ordinary soil.

"Where exactly is the entrance to the third area? Why haven't I found it yet? Could it be that I can only complete the task that the big guy mentioned?" Scorpion was unwilling.

It had come here not only to increase its own strength but also to find something. As long as it found that thing, it would have a chance to contact other Zerg Broods and launch an attack on this planet. (To be continued)

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