Published at 28th of June 2024 05:48:34 AM

Chapter 358: Eye Contact Confirmation

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Chapter 358: Eye Contact Confirmation

Scorpion had a good idea, but after it entered this place, it was met with setbacks.

First, it encountered two Mineral Giants, and it took a lot of effort to defeat them. Then, it entered the crystal area and encountered the Crystal Beast.

Just as Su Chen had speculated, the Crystal Beast asked for its help. Wind Tide was the first to refuse, and then... there was no "then."

Wind Tide was struck down instantly, bitten, and died a pitiful death. Scorpion's scalp tingled, and it immediately agreed to help before leaving the Crystal Beast.

However, in such a vast place, where could it find a different kind of crystal?

Scorpion was in a dilemma. During the time it spent away from the Crystal Beast, it wasn't searching for crystals; it was looking for the entrance to the third area.

Its knowledge of this place was thanks to the Zerg Brood that Su Chen had killed. A long time ago, the Zerg Brood had left a contingency plan. Among the hundred Zerg stored in Base City, they had left a memory in one, a memory that contained coordinates, with the location being this place.

The Brood told them that by entering there and finding the third area, they could use something inside to contact other Zerg Broods. Once the Zerg army arrived, a mere planet wouldn't be much of a challenge.

Scorpion was a super Zerg among the ranks, and its loyalty to the Zerg was beyond question. Among all the races, the Zerg had always been the most united, even powerful super Zerg like Scorpion would be obedient in the face of the Brood.

While other races had traitors, such a thing was impossible among the Zerg!

Suddenly, Scorpion stopped in its tracks. It heard some sounds that seemed to resemble aircraft used by humans?

"How could that be? Aircraft shouldn't be possible here..." Scorpion's thought was cut short as it saw an aircraft zooming by from above.

Hmm, upon eye contact, it was indeed a human aircraft!

Scorpion had detected the reconnaissance drone, and naturally, the drone had detected Scorpion as well, immediately relaying the information back to Su Chen.

"Oh, we've spotted Scorpion's presence?"

This was good news. Su Chen wouldn't allow any Zerg to cause trouble here.

Su Chen opened the map, observing that most areas were pitch-black, with a portion illuminated very convenient.

"If only the Spy satellites were available, it would be even better. Now we have to use such primitive methods to explore the map." Su Chen sighed in frustration.

A look of horror crossed Scorpion's eyes. Its stinger had failed to penetrate the human's body. Was his body made of cosmic metal or something?

If Guangtou Qiang knew what Scorpion was thinking, he would surely burst into laughter.

His defense was naturally robust. Coupled with the Iron Curtain Device's power, it wasn't simply adding one and one together. Among those of the same level, there were very few who could break his defense.

Guangtou Qiang abandoned defense altogether and focused on offense. Don't think his punches lacked strength. With a single punch, he could make Scorpion cry out in pain.

Scorpion lacked the strength of a Zerg super soldier, and it was completely overwhelmed by Guangtou Qiang.

Su Chen watched from afar, shaking his head slightly. He had thought this Zerg had something special about it, but he hadn't expected it to be so weak.

Just then, Scorpion's body emitted a dark black light. The light was corrosive and forced Guangtou Qiang to create distance.

Guangtou Qiang sensed that even with his formidable defense, he wouldn't be able to withstand this corrosive force for long.

Guangtou Qiang didn't attack; he calmly observed Scorpion's transformation.

Originally, Scorpion was large in size and looked like, well, a scorpion. But now, enveloped in the black light, its form began to shrink gradually. Soon, a jade-like Scorpion, about three meters in length, appeared before Guangtou Qiang.

This Scorpion's size was significantly smaller than before, only about three meters long, a world of difference from its previous size. However, the strength of the white jade Scorpion seemed to have increased.

This was the trump card of being a super Zerg metamorphosis!

Zerg themselves were like bugs, and bugs undergo various metamorphoses during their growth. However, this metamorphosis was normal, whereas what Scorpion was experiencing now was an abnormal one.

Such a transformation was generally only used in the most dangerous situations

. It could provide a short-term power boost, but it would lead to weakness afterward.

Originally, Scorpion was at the pinnacle of the eighth order. But its current strength was no less than that of an initial ninth-order Zerg!

"Hmm, it looks much better now, but I wonder how it would taste when roasted?" Su Chen muttered to himself. (To be continued)

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