Published at 28th of June 2024 05:48:32 AM

Chapter 359: Scorpion's Final Card!

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Chapter 359: Scorpion's Final Card!

The black-skinned Scorpion transformed into a white jade Scorpion, and its combat power skyrocketed. It emitted a strong corrosive power, and every time Guangtou Qiang collided with the white jade Scorpion, he could feel his defense weakening layer by layer.nôvel binz was the first platform to present this chapter.

Continuing like this, Guangtou Qiang might not be able to match the white jade Scorpion!

However, there was no worry on Su Chen's face. If Scorpion had a trump card, did Guangtou Qiang not have one?

Of course not!

One must understand that Guangtou Qiang had undergone a second evolution. Each time he evolved, he gained a new ability or heightened an existing one. Currently, Guangtou Qiang was using an ability derived from evolution, turning his entire skin golden.

Guangtou Qiang knew he had to employ his second ability now.

"Ultimate Strength!"

Guangtou Qiang roared, his muscles seemingly ready to burst out of his skin. Ripples appeared around his body, a manifestation of energy vibrations caused by his immense power!

This was far stronger than mere energy fluctuations. Generally, only a handful of ninth-order peak experts or even Small Galaxy-level powerhouses could induce energy vibrations. Yet, for Guangtou Qiang, who was only at the peak of the eighth order, reaching such a level was astonishing.

Guangtou Qiang's fist struck, and regardless of the corrosive power or the tougher shell of the white jade Scorpion, nothing could withstand his punch.


The white jade Scorpion's body shattered, with nearly half of it exploding under Guangtou Qiang's punch.

Scorpion's eyes were filled with shock. It had already brought out the ace in the hole of the Zerg super soldiers, yet it still wasn't a match. How could this human be so powerful?

Guangtou Qiang didn't give Scorpion time to recover from its shock. He launched another punch.

As a melee-type super soldier, Guangtou Qiang's fighting style was straightforward brute force!

If brute force doesn't work, I'll use even more!

Just as Su Chen thought that Scorpion was about to meet its end at the hands of Guangtou Qiang, an unexpected reversal occurred.

Scorpion's body suddenly expanded, enveloping Guangtou Qiang. When Guangtou Qiang shattered this massive body, Scorpion had vanished.

He closely examined the map, and he saw a massive dot rapidly approaching Guangtou Qiang. The owner of this dot was... Crystal Beast!

Su Chen was puzzled. Why would Crystal Beast attack his own forces? It didn't make sense.

If it wanted to attack, it could have done so from the beginning. Why wait until now?

Regardless of Su Chen's thoughts, Crystal Beast had already appeared before Guangtou Qiang. As a warrior, Guangtou Qiang's senses were keen, and he felt that Crystal Beast was far from friendly!

At this point, Crystal Beast was about the same size as the white jade Scorpion, but its strength hadn't diminished in the slightest. It extended a claw toward Guangtou Qiang. Guangtou Qiang spat out a mouthful of blood and was sent flying tens of kilometers away.

Just one move heavily injured Guangtou Qiang. If it weren't for his formidable defense, he might have been defeated instantly.

"Guangtou Qiang is in danger!" The expressions of two nearby super soldiers changed. They had learned from the Commander that Crystal Beast was actually targeting them.

However, it didn't cause a trace of fear in them. As super soldiers, fear was not an emotion that would manifest, even when facing a powerful enemy they couldn't match. They would use their own weapons to confront the challenge!

"Why are you attacking us?" Li Shaolong helped Guangtou Qiang up, his eyes cold as he stared at Crystal Beast.

For some unknown reason, Crystal Beast hadn't attacked yet. Instead, it gave them a chance to talk.

"We had an agreement with a Zerg, so I apologize," Crystal Beast grinned, showing no remorse.

Seeing this scene, Su Chen's brows furrowed. Crystal Beast had an

agreement with the Zerg? How was that possible?

There was only one Zerg on this planet, Scorpion. Scorpion should have been the first to arrive here, so how did it have an agreement with Crystal Beast?

The only possibility was that another Zerg had arrived before Scorpion, and that Zerg was acquainted with Scorpion.

In Su Chen's mind, a particular Zerg emerged Zerg Brood.

Only it could meet all the conditions, most importantly, it had been on this planet for who knows how long. Discovering this place wasn't strange at all. (To be continued)

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