Published at 28th of June 2024 05:59:03 AM

Chapter 36: War Mission

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Chapter 36: War Mission

As Su Chen and his troops fought against the army in Base City, he heard the voice of the System: "Trigger war mission, mission objective: defeat the enemy with a minimum loss rate of over half, no upper limit. Mission success rewards 100,000 energy, mission failure results in a one-level reduction in Commander authority."

Su Chen blinked his eyes and asked, "What is a war mission? Why didn't we have it before?"

"Only when the master participates in a real war can a war mission be triggered. The previous actions against the Mutant Beast were not considered a war," explained the System.

"Well, it seems like the System is still my thoughtful little cotton jacket. I just mentioned that I was short on energy, and you sent me such a big energy package. Should I accept it?" Su Chen said.nôvel binz was the first platform to present this chapter.

"???" The System had never seen such shamelessness in a master before!

Su Chen knew that anything could happen in war, so he couldn't be careless. The first line of defense consisted of machine gun bunkers, sentry guns, and some soldiers. Faced with tanks, soldiers couldn't withstand them with their bodies alone and had to rely on various weapons and equipment.

According to his estimate, the enemy should know that they could only advance by destroying the machine gun bunkers, so they were likely to use a helicopter team.

As expected, Wang Yi found that the tank team could not advance, so he ordered the helicopter team to go over. Faced with helicopters in the sky, even the city defense cannons were useless, as they couldn't reach such a high altitude.

Wang Yi ordered the helicopter to stop in mid-air, and the soldiers on board took out various grenades, pulled the pins, and threw them down.

This was a makeshift bomber!

The power of a single grenade might not be great, but when a hundred helicopters dropped a large number of grenades simultaneously, the power was terrifying.

It should be noted that these grenades were specially made, and even the weakest ones could take down a second-order Mutant Beast. The strongest ones could even take down a fourth-order Mutant Beast.

A series of bombing sounds appeared where the bunker was located, and almost instantly, the bunker was destroyed. Once the bunker was completely destroyed, Su Chen couldn't even repair it.

However, none of the Red Alert soldiers died, and the weakest among them were third-order. Most of the explosions were absorbed by the bunker, and only a small portion was absorbed by the soldiers themselves, causing at most heavy injuries.

Previously, most of the tank losses were caused by flamethrowers, and the city defense cannon at most destroyed a few tanks.

But when Wang Yi looked down, he saw a tank emitting black smoke with a large hole in it. The driver and co-driver were already dead, and his face changed immediately.

He had indeed heard a sound just now, which meant that the shell had blown up a Black Lion tank?

"No, this is definitely not the power of the city defense cannon. Could there be other weapons here?"

As soon as this thought flashed through Wang Yi's mind, hundreds of shells rained down from a distance, falling into the tank legion. In an instant, it was as if the area had been plowed over by an iron plow, with broken Black Lion tanks everywhere. The scene was gruesome.

With one volley, at least fifty tanks were scrapped, and more than sixty tanks had various problems.

"Tanks! The enemy also has tanks! And there are a hundred of them, with power no worse than the Black Lion tanks. How is this possible!" Wang Yi gritted his teeth.

When he came out, he had considered that the enemy might have tanks, but he had never imagined that there would be so many. He thought there would be at most zero.

As far as he knew, the Military Base with the most tanks had only fifty, and the rest were made by themselves later.

The Tank legion, which was caught off guard, quickly launched a counterattack, with both sides inflicting damage on each other.

Wang Yi's face darkened. "Send in the helicopter unit and wipe out the enemy's tank unit."

At this point, the helicopter unit had to be deployed, even if the enemy had anti-aircraft capabilities. He did not believe that the anti-aircraft capabilities of an abandoned Military Base would be very strong.

But when he saw the anti-aircraft capabilities here, Wang Yi regretted it deeply.

Su Chen's mouth curled up. He had long known that when his Grizzly tank was deployed, the enemy would definitely bring out their helicopter unit - this was their only option. But he also had corresponding tactics.

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