Published at 28th of June 2024 05:48:10 AM

Chapter 373: Human Experimentation

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Chapter 373: Human Experimentation

Su Chen issued the order, and Lisa didn't dare refuse. However, the two people beside her seemed not to grasp the current situation. They actually shouted at Su Chen, "This is our Yan Yun Star's warship, not your Earth. You"

Before they could finish their words, a gunshot from behind Su Chen hit the left leg of one of them, and the person collapsed to the ground, screaming in agony.

"This is just a warning. If you dare show disrespect to His Majesty again, next time it won't be your leg." Tanya's expression turned cold as she spoke.

Lisa was shocked. She hadn't even seen the trajectory of the bullet that had been fired just now. If it had been her, she wouldn't have been able to dodge it!

"The technology on this planet isn't that primitive. Why would there be bullets like that?" Lisa couldn't understand.

From start to finish, Su Chen hadn't paid attention to these matters. He looked at the woman kneeling on the ground.

The woman was wearing thin clothes and was covered in dirt, looking disheveled. Her eyes radiated intense fear, as if she had gone through something horrifying.

"What's your name?"

"I... I'm Lisha," the woman's voice trembled.

"Earlier, you said 'save me.' What does that mean?"

Su Chen noticed that when he said these words, there was a slight tremor in Lisa's body not far away.

Even a fool would know there was some sort of hidden secret.

Instantly, Su Chen's mind was filled with various scenarios.

"I know you are the Emperor of this planet," the woman began, her voice shaking. "I implore you to have mercy and save us. I've been without proper nutrition for a long time." She struggled to sit up after a few attempts, looking at Lisa with eyes filled with hatred. "It's her! It's all because of this woman. She captured everyone who opposed her on the warship and conducted human experiments. I'm one of the test subjects!"

Su Chen was somewhat surprised. He knew Lisa wasn't a simple woman, but he truly hadn't expected her to engage in human experimentation.

Aren't they supposed to be urgently searching for Earth while traveling through space? Why waste time on human experiments?

"What kind of experiments?"

However, to transform an ordinary person into a Third Order Transcendent was truly remarkable. This explained why Lisa wanted the power of the Ghost Clan. It was something Humans couldn't compare to.

Not long after, Lisa subdued Lisha, and Lisha lay on the ground, gradually reverting to her original form. She was disheveled, looking worse for wear.

"She's not dead?"

Seeing Lisha return to her original form, Lisa was overjoyed. If Lisha hadn't died, it meant that the experiment had been successful. That was good news.

However, she forgot that there was still someone else nearby.

"I'm quite interested in her. Would you mind lending her to me for a while?" Su Chen said with a smile.

Lisa wanted to refuse, but facing the two powerhouses in front of Su Chen, she didn't dare utter a rejection. She could only manage a forced smile, "Of course, you can."

In her heart, she was thinking, "Anyway, I've already collected relevant data. Even if I don't have her, it doesn't matter."

However, Su Chen's next words nearly made her spit blood, "Oh, by the way, hand over all the experimental data and personnel. Such research facilities are illegal on Earth."

If she wasn't outmatched by Su Chen's subordinates, she would have definitely roared, "Why is everything against the law? Does your family's law dictate everything?"

Soon, the researchers and research data were taken away by Su Chen's soldiers. Lisa's actions had all contributed to Su Chen.

Clearly, they had Ghost Clan corpses to conduct these experiments, and Su Chen was seeing a real Ghost Clan member for the first time.

The appearance of the Ghost Clan was roughly what he had imagined, with only slight differences from Humans. The distinctions lay in the horns on their foreheads and the patterns on their faces. The lowest strength of every adult Ghost Clan member was at the Fourth Order, whereas among Humans, Fourth Order Transcendents were already considered intermediate.

Su Chen didn't need to handle the aftermath; he had plenty of people under his command.

As they walked toward the command center, it was a spacious area that looked quite ordinary when not activated.

After observing for a while, Su Chen casually said, "I've taken a liking to this warship. Name your price."

Lisa had known for a while that this Emperor had his eyes on her warship. Not seizing it by force was already the best outcome. (To be continued...)

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