Published at 28th of June 2024 05:48:06 AM

Chapter 376: The Brand-New Hyperspace Teleportation Device

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Chapter 376: The Brand-New Hyperspace Teleportation Device

Afterwards, Su Chen attempted to build several models, but unfortunately, all of them failed.

There was no way around it. Su Chen wasn't interested in ordinary troops, and the powerful troops had too low of a probability of success due to their low realism.

Even when he used the power of the Emperor's Luck, it didn't favor him, and he still failed.

According to the System, even with the power of the Emperor's Luck, Su Chen couldn't suddenly have a burst of luck and succeed all at once.

"Damn it, failed again. Can't I have success just once?" Su Chen muttered angrily, wanting to slam the table.

During this period, he immersed himself in creating various models every day. Leng Yuwei, on the other hand, went out to handle various matters. Although Su Chen was the Emperor, the Red Alert base still needed someone to manage it.

For those super troops who couldn't find a Commander, they had to find Commander's wife.

Su Chen walked out of the command room, took a breath of fresh air outside, and realized that he hadn't gone out for several days. The one-month mark was approaching.

"Let's go and see how Yun Ru and her team's research is progressing."The initial posting of this chapter occurred via N0v3l.B11n.

With this thought in mind, Su Chen strode towards the operational laboratory.

Honestly, he had established many operational laboratories, but this was the first time he had been to this one.

The operational laboratory was a large building, one of the larger ones among all the buildings in Red Alert.

A very modern high-rise building appeared in front of Su Chen's eyesthis was the operational laboratory.

"Reporting to Commander!" The two Red Alert soldiers standing guard at the door saluted immediately.

"Which floor is Yun Ru on?" Su Chen suddenly realized that he didn't know the exact location of Yun Ru's laboratory.

"Miss Yun Ru is located on the first floor of the operational laboratory."

Subsequently, Su Chen took the elevator alone and arrived at the first floor of the operational laboratory. Here, each floor was a separate laboratory for various super troops and scientists to use.

Not just refuges, but also artificial wormhole technology, all of which were related to space technology.

When it came to space technology, Yun Ru couldn't guarantee that she fully understood it, but there was some progress, and it could be applied to various weapons.

The most obvious example was the Weapons of the Chrono Legionnaire. In fact, this was a kind of weapon that utilized space technology. However, when compared to the Qiluo Civilization's space technology, it fell short by quite a bit.

After Yun Ru's enhancement, the Chrono Legionnaire's Weapons were freed from some negative effects. For instance, once hit by a beam of light, they were no longer immobilized, but the degree of movement couldn't be too great.

Likewise, Yun Ru also enhanced the Hyperspace Teleportation Device. Previously, the Hyperspace Teleportation Device could only transport objects within its range to various locations on Earth. After Yun Ru's modifications, the Hyperspace Teleportation Device could now transport objects within its range to anywhere within the solar system!

Just this point alone made Su Chen's eyes shine. Research on the solar system hadn't stopped for Humans before the Apocalypse. If people knew they could travel to other planets in the solar system, countless individuals would likely want to participate.

Thinking of this, Su Chen planned to test the effectiveness of the brand-new Hyperspace Teleportation Device before heading to Yan Yun Star.

"Which planet should be the first target?" Su Chen pondered.

Casually, his gaze turned upward, and he suddenly thought of a target: the Moon!

Since ancient times, Earth had only one satellite accompanying it, and the Moon occupied a significant place in the hearts of Earth's inhabitants.

Su Chen wanted to experience what it would feel like to livestream from the Moon.

When Su Chen told the Human Emperor about this, they were all stunned.

The world's development was different, leading to different details. In this world, no one had ever set foot on the Moon, let alone researched the solar system.

Upon hearing that they could actually go to the Moon, even the Emperor couldn't help but get excited.

The Human Emperor could fly, but couldn't enter space with their physical bodies. Only Small Galaxy-level experts could achieve this, standing in space with their bodies.

(To be continued...)

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