Published at 28th of June 2024 05:48:02 AM

Chapter 379: Searching the Moon

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Chapter 379: Searching the Moon

The metal fragment Emperor Kong found made Humans realize the possibility of extraterrestrial life on the Moon.

This news quickly reached Su Chen's ears, and he was somewhat surprised.

"It seems the Moon is quite mysterious. Deploy a large number of reconnaissance drones to map the area. I want to illuminate the Moon's map within a day!"

With Su Chen's command, reconnaissance drones flew out from the Sub-base, spreading out in all directions like flower petals.

Su Chen realized something. In his own world, there might not be extraterrestrial life, but here, it was possible that extraterrestrial beings resided on the Moon!

The livestream continued, but the theme had changed this time. It became about a group of people searching for evidence of extraterrestrial presence on the Moon.

As they carefully searched, they discovered quite a few metal fragments. Some of these fragments didn't seem to belong to the same object. Part of the metal was recognizable to them, but there was a larger portion of metal that they had never seen before.

Since most of the people who came this time were fifth-order Transcendents, they couldn't exist in a vacuum environment for extended periods. So, Su Chen had his subordinates construct oxygen-enriched structures where they could rest.

With a buffer of time, these people worked even harder to search for traces of extraterrestrial beings on the Moon. Eventually, they made a discovery.

"Reporting to Emperor Kong, a suspected location of extraterrestrial habitation was found about 800 kilometers to the north," Ju Ling said to Su Chen.

Su Chen opened the map, but it showed up as black, indicating that his reconnaissance drones hadn't reached there yet.

"Forget it, let's go directly. It's not far anyway."

For Emperor Kong, a distance of 800 kilometers wasn't considered very far, especially with the Celestial Armor, which greatly enhanced his speed.Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

After a while, Su Chen appeared at Emperor Kong's location with some people. At this moment, Emperor Kong's livestream hadn't been turned off. When people saw Su Chen appear, they excitedly screamed one after another.

As the Emperor of the Red Alert empire, he was also the savior who rescued Humans from the darkness of the Apocalypse. If someone didn't recognize Su Chen, sorry, there was no way to communicate!

Su Chen looked downward. This was the bottom of a circular crater. There were many houses carved into caves below, with various tools inside. It was strange thoughsome were made of pottery, while others were metal products. He even saw some bronze objects. It was quite a mix.

"What have you found?" Su Chen looked at Emperor Kong.

Su Chen smiled faintly. He knew Emperor Kong would choose this technology. The overall enhancement in Human strength due to gravity technology was obvious. As long as Emperor Kong's mind wasn't muddled, he would definitely choose it.

When Su Chen showcased gravity technology on the Moon, he had thought about this.

Not long after, all the information about gravity technology was handed over to Emperor Kong, while the lightsaber was given to Yun Ru for her to research quickly.

However, Su Chen didn't expect that this "quickly" would be so fast.

In just one day, Yun Ru had thoroughly understood the technology behind the lightsaber.

"The technology of the lightsaber isn't that difficult. There were just some aspects I hadn't considered before. With the actual object and the boost from the combat lab, is one day really that long?" Yun Ru tilted her head and looked at Su Chen.

Su Chen's mouth twitched, indicating he didn't want to talk.

With the lightsaber in hand, Su Chen directly manufactured a large number of them, preparing to provide one for each Red Alert unitexcept for some special units, of course.

Could he let the Beastmen, who were proud of their physical abilities, wield lightsabers and engage in melee combat?

Thinking about that scene was simply too wonderful!

Apart from the lightsabers, they didn't find any extraterrestrial beings. It seemed like all the extraterrestrial beings who lived on the Moon had died.

"That's impossible. According to our research, these places seemed to have inhabitants a few years ago. It's not possible for them to all disappear suddenly. Could they be on the other side of the Moon?" Emperor Kong said.

Su Chen suddenly remembered. The Moon's situation was special; it always had one side facing Earth, while the other side remained shrouded in darkness. Maybe there were extraterrestrial beings living on that side.

"Then let's form some exploration teams and go over to explore," Su Chen said with a raised eyebrow.

He knew that Humans were afraid of the unknown, but there were also some who were filled with enthusiasm for the unknown!

As soon as the decision for exploration was announced, it received agreement from many people. They signed up eagerly, all wanting to go to the far side of the Moon to see if they could find extraterrestrial beings. (To be continued...)

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