Published at 28th of June 2024 05:47:57 AM

Chapter 381: Free Psychic Power

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Chapter 381: Free Psychic Power


Who is the eleventh person?

Captain's eyes scanned his team members, but no matter how he looked, he could only see ten people. He trusted his team members; they wouldn't cause trouble at a time like this. So, who was the one who made that sound just now?

"Who is it? Show yourself!" Captain shouted loudly, unleashing the power of a Seventh Order expert, causing the dust around him to fly.

The team members huddled closely together, ready to fire their weapons at the slightest sign of abnormality.

"Are you looking for me?"

Suddenly, a sinister voice echoed in Captain's ears. He instinctively threw a punch without holding back.

However, the punch landed in empty air, hitting nothing.

"Ah!" A team member screamed, and Captain turned his gaze to see the terrified expression on the team member's face.

"What's wrong?"

"Over... there." The team member pointed in a direction, and Captain looked over, immediately witnessing an unbelievable scene.

He saw their past selves!

Yes, in Captain's eyes, he clearly saw another version of themselves, including him and the various team members. It seemed they couldn't see their present selves, and their actions were as if... they were marking something.New novel chapters are published on

"What's going on? Is this our past? Or are these images from our previous experiences stored here?"

Captain couldn't believe it. Just as he was about to send a distress signal through the communication channel, he realized that the channel was cut off.

Indeed, in that instant, all communication channels went dark!

This situation naturally caught Su Chen's attention. While everyone else's feeds were cut off, his remained active.

According to the map display, there were no enemies around any of the team members, but the loss of signal indicated a problem.

"Deploy the Red Alert units to rescue them."

Su Chen came up with this plan on the spur of the moment. He took responsibility for rescuing these people. As of now, it seemed they weren't in immediate danger; they appeared to be trapped.

At the beginning, everything was normal, but when they reached a certain point, they suddenly stopped and their expressions turned fearful. They screamed in agony, and then the livestream was abruptly cut off.

"Do you really not remember what happened afterward?" Eastern Emperor walked up to the group, his face serious.

"Your Majesty, we truly don't remember," the team members said.

"I think I have some faint memories. I think I saw... ghosts?" one Captain hesitated uncertainly.


The mention of this word sent a chill down everyone's spine.

"Don't talk nonsense. There's no way ghosts exist in this world!" Eastern Emperor scolded. Even though he had become an Emperor, he had never encountered ghosts; such things were preposterous.

"Ghosts might exist, but they certainly wouldn't be here," a voice chimed in.

All eyes turned toward Su Chen.

"Greetings, Your Majesty!" Except for Eastern Emperor, everyone respectfully saluted Su Chen. Their eyes were filled with reverence.

"Sovereign Su, why are you here?" Eastern Emperor sounded surprised.

"I'm here to educate you all, of course," Su Chen said seriously.

Eastern Emperor's eyebrow twitched. Educate?

When they learned that the culprit behind their transformation was a type of power they had never encountered before, they were all dumbfounded.

"Psychic power? Is it really this terrifying?" Eastern Emperor was astonished.

He knew that some Transcendents possessed unique Transcendent Abilities. For example, Leng Yuwei had illusion abilities, which seemed somewhat similar to Psychic power in terms of effects. However, they were distinct powers.

"Your Majesty, if we could also control Psychic power, wouldn't that make us much stronger for interstellar warfare?" someone enthusiastically suggested.

"Yes, your idea has merit. But those who can control Psychic power are few in number. It's extremely rare, like finding a needle in a haystack... huh?"

Just as Su Chen was speaking, he suddenly sensed a trace of Psychic power emanating from someone in the crowd. Was this an awakening? (To be continued)

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