Published at 28th of June 2024 05:47:55 AM

Chapter 382: Found!

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Chapter 382: Found!

To be honest, any ordinary person can awaken Psychic power; it's just that the probability is very low.

However, Su Chen noticed something peculiar: on Earth, there wasn't a single human who controlled Psychic power.

It was only now that Su Chen suddenly realized that there seemed to be a missing catalyst.

That catalyst was the untamed Psychic power on the moon!

Following Su Chen's gaze, they saw an ordinary-looking woman, frantically waving her hands, and in front of her, a person's hair was on fire.

"Fire, fire!" The person looked bewildered. What was this? How did his hair catch fire out of nowhere?

Of course, he didn't know that this was the initial application of Psychic power. It was also a favorite move of the new recruit Yuri, utilizing the instantaneous burst of Psychic power to generate flames.New novel chapters are published on

Fortunately, there was water nearby, and a bucket of water quickly doused the flames.

"In that brief moment, I seemed to feel a strange power. Is that Psychic power?" Emperor Kong looked towards Su Chen.

"Yes, she has awakened Psychic power, but it's only in its preliminary stage. Psychic power is different from regular power. Its strength depends entirely on the individual..."

Su Chen briefly explained about Psychic power, omitting some of its negative applications, such as controlling others.

For the Red Alert units, Su Chen could ensure that they wouldn't misuse Psychic power. However, if a large number of people acquired Psychic power, it might lead to disorder in human society.

Ultimately, Su Chen decided to take the woman who had awakened Psychic power with him. He also tasked Yuri Clone and Libra Clone to observe the situation and identify any new individuals who could control Psychic power.

Su Chen didn't prevent news of Psychic power from spreading. Sooner or later, humans would learn about it. It wasn't necessarily a bad thing to introduce them to it now.

Given that awakening Psychic power required being on the moon and the numbers were still quite low, Su Chen was less concerned.

Su Chen wasn't interested in fluorescent plants. What he really wanted to know was whether these extraterrestrial beings were still alive.

Based on his observations, the traces on the passage indicated that no one had been there for a long time. Otherwise, the plants wouldn't have grown so densely and luxuriantly.

One thousand Red Alert Soldiers, organized into groups of five, spread out in different directions as they entered the passage to search. Their objective was to find the extraterrestrial beings. Before the extraterrestrial beings initiated any attacks, they couldn't act aggressively. This was Su Chen's order.

Of course, if the other side provoked them, Su Chen wouldn't hold back either.

The previously uncharted underground map, which would typically revert to darkness if it exceeded the range of the base's instruments, now remained visible after being explored by the Soldiers. The upgraded System had also improved its mapping capabilities.

Previously, even if a Soldier mapped an area, the map would turn dark after some time if it went beyond the base's instrument range.

That was no longer the case. Any area mapped by the Soldiers would remain displayed. Su Chen felt that the System was increasingly understanding him.

Two hundred teams of Red Alert Soldiers, upon encountering a fork in the path, would split up. In less than ten minutes, each team entered a different passage.

It had to be said that the underground world was truly intricate, with caverns everywhere. Some areas were quite dangerous.

After all, this was underground, and there were places with faults. One wrong step could send someone plummeting into the abyss.

For the elite Red Alert Soldiers, this made no difference.

By the way, all these Red Alert Soldiers were at least Fifth Order. After the Mutant Beasts submitted to humans, the promotion tasks for the original peak Fourth Order Red Alert Soldiers had been elevated.

Now, theoretically, Red Alert Soldiers could be promoted directly to Ninth Order peak, the highest level of power at once.

Upon reaching Ninth Order peak, a completely new promotion task would become available. Su Chen was yet unaware of this, as his most formidable units were only at the Eighth Order peak level.

Approximately an hour passed, and suddenly, a Soldier's voice rang out, "Commander, we've found it!" (To be continued)

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