Published at 28th of June 2024 05:47:50 AM

Chapter 386: We Earthlings Have Always Used Virtue to Persuade Others!

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Chapter 386: We Earthlings Have Always Used Virtue to Persuade Others!

The Chieftain of the First Tribe was a robust Lunar individual who appeared quite peculiar due to his open eyes - he wasn't blind!

"Chieftain, there's someone outside claiming to be from Earth who wishes to meet you."

The Chieftain, who was taking a brief rest, suddenly widened his eyes and appeared at the entrance of the tribe, where he saw Emperor Kong.

As Emperor Kong had anticipated, the Chieftain of the First Tribe was also an eighth-order powerhouse, with his strength seemingly reaching the level of the Eighth Order Mid-Term.

The Chieftain scrutinized Emperor Kong and nodded slightly, "Indeed different from us. You are the Human from the mother planet Earth?"

Emperor Kong noticed that the Chieftain's eyes were unexpectedly bright, causing him to pause; weren't Lunar people's eyes supposed to be blind?

"I am Emperor Kong, hailing from Earth. May I know how to address you, sir?"

"You can call me Yun."

Being the Chieftain of the First Tribe, he certainly had a name, but few were qualified to address him by it.

"Yun, have you ever considered leading the people of the Moon to return to the mother planet Earth? Earth has returned to our control, and by returning, you will enjoy the same rights as us," Emperor Kong stated earnestly.

"I refuse!"

Emperor Kong was taken aback. This was his first attempt at diplomacy, and it had failed right out of the gate, making him lose face.


"I hold the greatest power here. If I go to Earth, will you grant me the same authority?" Yun's face held a hint of mockery, indicating that even though appearances had changed somewhat, their intelligence remained intact.

Many were of the mindset that they would rather be the head of a chicken than the tail of a phoenix.

Emperor Kong shook his head, "There's only one person on Earth with the greatest power."

Emperor Kong meant that the most powerful person on Earth was Su Chen, not Yun.

However, Yun misunderstood the statement, thinking that the person before him, Emperor Kong, was the most powerful individual on Earth. Consequently, defeating him would make Yun the most powerful person across both Earth and the Moon.

"If I defeat you, I'll be it!"

Before the words had even settled, Yun launched an attack on Emperor Kong. Being a powerful member of the Lunar people in such an environment, their most potent weapons were their own bodies, similar to the Guangtou Qiang.

"That's true. We do indeed prefer to use virtue to persuade others, but the concept of virtue can be quite nuanced," Su Chen chuckled.

Yun wasn't interested in listening to Emperor Kong. He continued to seek battle. In the end, Emperor Kong waved his hand, sending Yun flying and seriously injuring him.

"Your... your strength..." Yun widened his eyes, looking at Emperor Kong in disbelief.

"I didn't want to resort to this, but my strength wouldn't allow otherwise."

The aura Emperor Kong emanated suddenly exploded to reveal that he was a Late Eighth Order powerhouse!

After this period of time, Emperor Kong's strength had finally advanced, making him the sole Late Eighth Order Emperor among Humans.

Late Eighth Order Emperor Kong easily defeated Yun, an 8th Order Early-Term individual, without the latter even being aware of Emperor Kong's actual strength.

"I lost. I agree to your terms."

Lunar people were straightforward; since they weren't a match and considering the possibility of returning to Earth wasn't unacceptable.

Having settled the matter with the Chieftain of the First Tribe, the other tribes had nothing to worry about.

The First Tribe's Chieftain issued orders, spreading the news of the Lunar people's return to Earth throughout all the tribes. He also conveyed that Earthlings would be coming soon and advised against conflict.

What might have been a troublesome task was effortlessly resolved by Emperor Kong.

Invited by Yun, Emperor Kong entered the interior of the First Tribe and tasted the unique cuisine and wine of the Moon's underground.

"I've had a question bothering me, and I hope Chieftain Yun can clear it up."

"Please, Emperor Kong, ask away."

"Why is it that other Lunar people are born blind, while your eyes are fine?"

If Emperor Kong had asked this question at the beginning, Yun wouldn't have answered. But now...

"In fact, this matter concerns a secret of our Lunar people. Only the Chieftains of generations past are aware of it. Originally, this secret wasn't to be shared with anyone else, but you are an Earthling and thus not part of it."

"It's because our ancestors were Earth's criminals!"

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