Published at 28th of June 2024 05:47:49 AM

Chapter 387: Descendants of Criminals

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Chapter 387: Descendants of Criminals

Once upon a time, the Moon was as beautiful as Earth, filled with various plants and animals, a picturesque place.

However, at some unknown point in time, the Moon transformed into a prison!

It held those who had committed grave crimes on Earth, and this was during the era when the Qiluo Civilization had just ventured beyond Earth!

Only the gravest of offenders were sent to the Moon, sentenced to life imprisonment or even death. Here, there was no law, only brutal abuse. The prison guards didn't consider the inmates as humans. Every day was filled with casual insults and beatings. If an inmate slightly displeased them, they would suffer.

No one outside cared about the lives of these prisoners. Even when some inexplicably died each year, no one investigated.

Upon entering the lunar prison, they were treated as already dead.

Despite this environment, a great figure emerged, at least in the eyes of the Lunar people's descendants. This person's name didn't survive, but Chieftain had read various messages left behind by others, which pieced together that this individual was quite ordinary.

Initially, he seemed to have been falsely accused and imprisoned on the Moon. His performance had always been unremarkable, but one day, he suddenly erupted, forcefully subduing the prison warden and liberating all the inmates.

Naturally, Qiluo Civilization couldn't let the lunar prison be controlled by an inmate and a massive battle ensued.

The details of what followed were lost to time, but the eventual outcome was that Qiluo Civilization negotiated with this individual and appointed him the new prison warden.

Once he took on this role, the lunar prison gradually improved. No longer did the inmates suffer random abuse from the guards. In turn, the inmates seemed to become more obedient, and harmony was achieved.

Time passed, prison guards and prisoners were replaced in batches, but the warden remained.

At this point, Emperor Kong interjected, "Aren't Humans' lifespans at most a couple of hundred years? How could he live for so long?"

What Emperor Kong hadn't expected was the look Yun gave him, as if he were regarding a fool. "Are you really from Earth? Don't Earthlings know that when one's strength breaks through to the Small Galaxy level, there's a qualitative leap in lifespan?"

"I can't guarantee that, but with Earth's scientists, they'll eventually help you solve this issue."

The next step, the migration of the Lunar people, was already decided. Even Su Chen hadn't initially anticipated that he would be taking a hundred thousand Lunar people back to Earth.

However, with the occurrence of the events on Yan Yun Star, he believed that bringing the Lunar people back wouldn't pose any significant problems.

The actions of the Lunar people persisted for about five days. After all, the area wasn't very large, and at most, a Level 2 Base City covered the surrounding region.

"Are these all the Lunar people?" Emperor Kong looked at the Lunar people before him and asked Su Chen.

At this moment, these Lunar people were standing inside the base Su Chen had constructed. If it weren't for Yun standing in front of them, these Lunar people might have kneeled in fear.

"No, there are still a few missing," Su Chen chuckled.

After dispatching his Soldiers to search, he eventually found some scattered Lunar people living in another underground area. Their lives were even more miserable. Su Chen surmised that these individuals had dispersed when they originally went underground.

Afterward, Su Chen sent his Soldiers and remotely controlled Tanks to search. It was almost certain that no Lunar people remained in the area, so he used the Hyperspace Teleportation Device to send them to Earth.

When these Lunar people learned they were about to return to their homeland, Earth, they were overwhelmed with excitement, tearfully joyful. Even Yun, an eighth-order powerhouse, felt emotional.

In a flash, all the Lunar people, accompanied by some Humans, were teleported to Earth. Su Chen chose Yan City as their destination, the capital of the Red Alert Empire!

Human Emperors from other regions who received news had long been waiting there. It was an open area, and in the blink of an eye, a group of Lunar people had joined them.

"Who would have thought that after the appearance of Humans from another star system, now Lunar people have emerged? It seems Earth's future lies in the universe," Western Emperor said with a beaming smile.

"But how should we treat these Lunar people? Should we treat them the same as citizens of the Empire? Can Humans truly accept them?" Western Emperor expressed some concerns. (To be continued)

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