Published at 28th of June 2024 05:58:58 AM

Chapter 39: Possibility of Establishing a Sub-Base

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Chapter 39: Possibility of Establishing a Sub-Base

Su Chen was surprised that Ju Ling was able to guess all of this from just a few words he said.

"And then?"

Ju Ling smiled slightly, knowing that she had guessed correctly. "With our base's strength, we can escort the MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) over thousands of kilometers. However, there may be unexpected events along the way, so we need a reliable person to do it. I am willing to take on this responsibility."

"Very good. Your analysis is better than I imagined. Ju Ling, I now appoint you as the Vice Commander of the Second Base. You will be given 50 Grizzly tanks, 0 armed helicopters, 10 multi-purpose infantry vehicles, 500 soldiers, 100 Hounds, 10 engineers, 10 anti-aircraft infantry, and an MCV, as well as a large amount of supplies. Can you reach there and successfully build the sub-base within seven days?"

Ju Ling's face was serious as she bowed to Su Chen. "I swear to complete the mission!"

These combat units almost accounted for half of Su Chen's current strength. Of course, there were many defense units in Su Chen's base that could not be moved and given to Ju Ling.

The sub-base was of great importance. With it, the construction speed there would not be slower than here, and Su Chen's energy acquisition speed would double!

Ju Ling, this super unit, had just been born for less than an hour and had already left with a large number of Red Alert units in the direction of the paratroopers.

Su Chen knew that it would be very dangerous along the way, but for the development of the base, it was necessary to do so.

Previously, he did not have a super unit and had no choice. Now that the super unit was born, if he did not do this, he would really be useless.

"Fortunately, I got a core, otherwise, with the super unit, it would be embarrassing without an MCV."

Thinking of this, Su Chen suddenly had the idea of getting more cores. He needed as many cores as possible so that he would not have to worry about these super units not having sub-bases in the future.

He remembered that the System had said that the core of the MCV only had a certain probability of dropping when killing Mutant Beasts. However, he had not seen a core drop today. The only one was dug out.

"System, my last core was dug out. Are there any other cores that are similar?"

"There is a possibility. The core is actually a type of energy combination, but it is more advanced than energy crystals and is very rare. If someone obtains a core and puts it in a certain place, the owner may be able to find it."

Later, the appearance of the multi-purpose infantry vehicles with terrifying anti-air missiles made the helicopter division a joke.

After watching all the videos, silence fell upon the hall.

After a while, Qi Haotian, the head of the Qi family, spoke up. "Everyone, it's no longer just our family's problem. It concerns the entire Base City. The enemy's intentions are clear. They want to control the Military Base, which means they could launch an attack on Base City in the future. That would put Base City in great danger!"

Once it involved everyone's interests, they couldn't help but start considering whether they should take action this time.

After all, every family had suffered losses in the previous operation, and even though their families were prosperous, they still found it painful.

When facing the Military Base again, they were worried about repeating the same mistakes and only strengthening the enemy while weakening themselves.

At this point, one family head spoke up. "How about this? Shall we ask the Controller to take action?"

The three words "the Controller" seemed to carry some magical power, causing many people's expressions to change, and they fell silent.

In the end, it was the head of the Wang family who spoke. "The Controller is currently in seclusion. Unless it's a matter of life or death for Base City, he won't take action. Once the Controller successfully breaks through, then our Base City has the potential to become a Level Two Base City with a Transcendent at the Seventh Rank!"

It was clear that the Controller of Wangchang City was a member of the Wang family!

As the Controller couldn't intervene, the heads of the other families sighed. They were reluctant to deal with the people occupying the Military Base.

Among these family heads, Qi Haotian was the most resolute, especially since his son had been captured by the enemy.

Of course, he also knew that his son shouldn't be dead, but he would certainly suffer.

"How about this? Let's issue a mission to attract other Transcendents. Among the Transcendents, there are people with various extraordinary abilities. Perhaps they will have a way to infiltrate. Once they obtain specific intelligence from within, the enemy will be at our mercy."

Qi Haotian's words stirred the thoughts of many family heads. After some discussion, they finally agreed to this plan.

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