Published at 28th of June 2024 05:47:46 AM

Chapter 390: Lunar Academy!

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Chapter 390: Lunar Academy!

The Lunar people had been on Earth for several days, and Humans were gradually accepting these Lunar people who appeared deformed.

After receiving education from the Human Emperor, they came to know that these Lunar people were like Earthlings, sharing the same ancestors. It was only due to their long habitation on the moon that they had taken on their current appearance.

The Human Emperor enlisted the help of Human scientists to research how to restore the vision of the Lunar people.

Unfortunately, after several days of research, there was no progress. The visual nerves of the Lunar people were present, but they were as if dead, completely unresponsive.

Emperor Kong was at his wit's end and had to seek Su Chen's assistance.

"Are you saying that the leader of the Lunar people can see with their eyes?" Su Chen inquired.

"Yes, it seems that only Lunar people who have reached the eighth order can regain their vision. However, the number of individuals who can reach the eighth order is very limited," Emperor Kong expressed concern.

Even on Earth, eighth order experts were few and far between, let alone among the Lunar people, where their numbers only reached a mere one hundred thousand.

To make all Lunar people eighth order experts to restore their vision was an impossible task.

"I will have someone look into it. Is there anything else?" Su Chen knew that Emperor Kong wouldn't have sought him out for just this matter.

Sure enough, Emperor Kong continued, "There is another matter that requires Sovereign Su's interventionestablishing the Lunar Academy."

"The Lunar Academy? Is it for the Lunar people?" Su Chen's interest was piqued.

The Lunar people's lives on Earth were significantly different from before. If they weren't educated and guided, problems between the Lunar people and Earthlings would inevitably arise sooner or later. Bringing the Lunar people to Earth wasn't intended for them to fight against the Earthlings.

Hence, establishing the Lunar Academy was inevitable.

Though it was called the Lunar Academy, not everyone inside would be Lunar people.

According to Emperor Kong's plan, all Lunar people would be sent to the academy for their initial education. After a month, Humans would join them, and both sides would learn and improve together, thus integrating the Lunar people into Earth society.

Moreover, Emperor Kong would provide the Lunar people with free cosmetic procedures. After all, there was quite a disparity in appearance between the Lunar people and Earthlings.

All of this was voluntary; Emperor Kong wouldn't force them to undergo cosmetic changes.

However, establishing the Lunar Academy was a significant matter. Emperor Kong couldn't make the decision alone; he had to consult Su Chen.

"Where can I get the construction facility for building spaceships? Can you create one for me?" Su Chen asked irritably.

After finally mastering spaceship technology and being able to build spaceships, he now needed a construction facility?

If the System had a physical form, Su Chen probably would have pummeled it by now.

"I can't create one, but I can provide you with this construction facility through a mission."

"Then don't waste time; get on with it!"

"Triggering a designated System mission. The master needs to enter a random Red Alert dimension to complete a random task within seven days. Successfully completing the task will reward you with a spaceship factory. Failing the task will not result in any penalties."

Su Chen was somewhat bewildered. This was the first time such a mission had appearedentering a Red Alert dimension to perform a task?

"System, there are really Red Alert dimensions? Could it be that the super soldiers I summoned were all brought over from those Red Alert dimensions?" Su Chen asked curiously.

"Master's permissions are insufficient to disclose this information. However, I can tell the master that these Red Alert dimensions are indeed real. Would the master like to enter a Red Alert dimension to complete the task now?"


In the next moment, Su Chen vanished from his original spot, without anyone noticing.

Su Chen felt a sudden blur in front of his eyes, and he found himself in... a metropolis?

Seeing the colorful pedestrians around him, Su Chen was somewhat baffled. Was this the Red Alert dimension?

"After inspection, the master is currently within a Red Alert 5 official version dimension. This dimension possesses complete spaceship technology and a spaceship factory capable of manufacturing spaceships. The master's mission has been assigned, and within seven days, the master needs to locate a girl named Alice and protect her from being killed."

"And then?"

"There is no 'then.' This is the entire task content."


Su Chen couldn't help but smack his forehead in frustration. He wished he could grab the System out and give it a good beating.

"Just a name, without even a description of her appearance or location. How am I supposed to find this girl named Alice? System, you've got to be kidding me!" (To be continued)

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