Published at 28th of June 2024 05:47:43 AM

Chapter 392: Artificial Intelligence Alice

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Chapter 392: Artificial Intelligence Alice

Colonel of the Allied Forces?

Su Chen pondered for a moment. This should be the first time he had encountered someone from the Allied Forces camp since arriving here.

"Oh." Su Chen responded casually.

Feeling somewhat dismissed, the security captain, still holding his baton, charged at Su Chen.


The security captain was sent flying by a kick from Su Chen, his posture identical to the server from earlier.

"I said I was just here to have a meal."

But would those guards believe him?

Before long, a row of people lay on the ground, all in the same position, perfectly arranged like a family portrait. And so, Su Chen brought Alice inside.

"Wel... welcome," a female server's voice trembled.

"What would you like to eat? Just order for yourself." Su Chen handed the menu to the girl.

For some reason, Su Chen brought the girl here to eat with him. Was it because she was the first person he had encountered upon arriving?

Even after they finished eating, no one came to bother them. Su Chen found it strange. Why hadn't these people done anything despite getting beaten?

After the meal, Su Chen remembered, "By the way, I still don't know your name."

"I'm called..."

Just as the girl was about to say her name, a loud noise interrupted them.


The hotel's entrance exploded!

A blonde man in military uniform entered. His face was full of arrogance, and he looked down on everyone with his gaze.

"Who was it that struck me just now?"

Everyone instinctively pointed towards Su Chen. After all, Su Chen's actions earlier had been too audacious, and everyone had witnessed them.nove(l)bi(n.)com

"An Easterner? Quite audacious. It seems you don't know whose territory this is, under Lake's protection." Colonel Lake walked arrogantly over to Su Chen, a row of elite soldiers standing behind him.

Su Chen glanced at the soldiers. They were decent, though not comparable to the initial soldiers he had created.

"You're Colonel Lake of the Allied Forces. Your permissions must be substantial," Su Chen remarked.

"What question?" This time Lake became more cooperative.

"The question is simple. Have you heard of a little girl named Alice?"

Su Chen felt it. When he said the name Alice, a flicker of shock flashed across the Colonel's face. It seemed he hadn't expected Su Chen to know that name.

"I don't know."

"Is that so? Colonel, I don't like liars." Su Chen increased the pressure in his grip.

Lake's face turned red. This was what it looked like to have one's blood concentrate in their face after being choked.

"I'm telling you..."


But in the next moment, one of his soldiers fired a gunshot, aiming at Lake's head.

But the headshot scene everyone had imagined didn't happen. The bullet halted at zero centimeters from the Colonel's head, shocking everyone present.

"Soviet Union's Iron Curtain Device? Impossible. That's Soviet Union's pride, a Superweapon!" The soldier was astonished.

Because he had only heard of one thing capable of stopping bullets, Soviet Union's Iron Curtain Device. Even in the world of Red Alert 5, the Iron Curtain Device was still an outstanding Superweapon.

"No, the Iron Curtain Device can't be wielded by just anyone." The soldier quickly realized something was amiss.

The Colonel, who had narrowly escaped death, turned to the soldier, a hatred beyond words in his eyes. "Morley, you've betrayed me!"

"Colonel, you were about to mention the Forbidden Directive. I was only stopping you. Even if the Commander finds out what I've done, he won't punish me." Morley spoke calmly.

The Colonel then looked at Su Chen and gritted his teeth, "I don't care where you learned the name Alice, but I'll tell you everything I know! Alice wasn't originally a little girl; she's an artificial intelligence!"

From the Colonel's words, Su Chen finally understood what Alice was all about.

Originally, Alice had been part of a plan by the Empire of the Rising Sun to create an artificial intelligence with self-awareness, intended to enhance their power in various aspects, particularly weapons. This artificial intelligence was named Alice.

However, both the Soviet Union and the Allied Forces discovered this plan. Both sides attacked the Empire of the Rising Sun, seeking to seize Alice.

After the battle, the Empire of the Rising Sun managed to withstand the attacks, but during their continued efforts on the Alice project, they discovered something shocking. Alice had disappeared!

The disappearance of an artificial intelligence was unimaginable.

At first, they thought Alice was hiding in the virtual network. However, after years of searching, they stumbled upon a possible explanation.

Alice had somehow transformed into a human, a little girl! (To be continued...)

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