Published at 28th of June 2024 05:47:41 AM

Chapter 393: Hello, My Name Is Alice

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Chapter 393: Hello, My Name Is Alice

The one who discovered this was said to be an officer from the Empire of the Rising Sun. He was eating ramen outside when he saw a cute little girl. He took her to eat with him and found out that she had a hearty appetite, finishing an entire table of ramen.

The officer became curious and investigated the girl's family. However, the results showed that there was no information about this girl at all.

This fact puzzled the officer. After all, in the Empire of the Rising Sun, everyone had an identity. How could there be someone without an identity?

This investigation brought the matter to light.

The appearance of the girl seemed sudden, with no previous records. The first time she was noticed was a few days after the attack on the Alice project. Someone suddenly wondered whether this girl could be Alice.

This speculation gained approval from the higher-ups of the Empire of the Rising Sun. Upon further investigation, it became increasingly likely that the girl was indeed Alice.

After all, the people of the Empire of the Rising Sun had rather unconventional minds.

However, when they tried to locate Alice, the news accidentally leaked, allowing the Soviet Union and Allied Forces to find out. Both sides started searching for Alice. Unfortunately, even after all this time, no one had discovered Alice's whereabouts. She was like a flash in the pan.

This was the entirety of what Colonel Lake knew.

"Well, if that's the case, you don't know where Alice is either?" Su Chen looked at him.

"Y-Yes," Colonel Lake nodded.

"Alright, your mission is complete."

With that, there was a crisp snap, and Colonel Lake's neck broke.

Unfortunately, how could a mission ever be completed so easily?

The next day, Su Chen saw his wanted notice plastered all over the streets. After all, killing an Allied Forces colonel was a significant event.

"It's just a colonel. Is it really necessary?" Su Chen was quite speechless.

He was currently hiding in a dilapidated house with Alice. As long as they could stay hidden, completing the mission shouldn't be a problem.

However, he had underestimated things. The Allied Forces had employed various technologies to find him, including a scanning simulation imaging technique. This technique covered an entire city with a specific wave, projecting a virtual image, and then compared that image to search for individuals. Ultimately, this technology could locate their targets.

In other words, no matter where Su Chen hid, he could be found.

"They're here!"

When Su Chen sensed that his location had been compromised, he decisively rushed outside.

"Orders are to shoot regardless, dead or alive!"

A large group of Allied Forces soldiers drew their firearms and fired in Su Chen's direction. To kill Su Chen, the Allied Forces had gone to extremes, completely disregarding the lives of civilians in the vicinity.

"Just as expected of the Allied Forces, arrogant to the core. If I could summon my subordinates, I'd drown you in their saliva one by one!" Su Chen thought.

It seemed his thoughts were transmitted to the System, and its voice appeared, "Does the master need assistance from the Red Alert base?" (To be continued...)

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