Published at 28th of June 2024 05:47:37 AM

Chapter 394: Mission Update

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Chapter 394: Mission Update

"What kind of assistance?"

Su Chen was curious. Could he really summon his subordinates here?

He wondered whether Tanya and Boris existed in this world. If both sides encountered each other, it would be interesting.

"The master can choose to increase the difficulty of the mission, and thus selectively summon Red Alert units. Of course, the rewards will also increase accordingly."

Su Chen's lip twitched. Wasn't this just asking for trouble?

To be honest, Su Chen felt that protecting Alice alone was indeed quite challenging. His current strength was only at the pinnacle of the Seventh Order, while the Superweapons were capable of killing eighth-order experts. If the other side went crazy and decided to use a Superweapon to deal with him, Su Chen didn't think he could withstand it.

His only advantage now was that Alice's identity hadn't been exposed. The opponents were merely after him.

Summoning Red Alert units could provide him with assistance, but it wasn't necessary at the moment.

"Can I choose to summon them during the later stages of the mission?"


Su Chen decisively chose not to summon them. It wasn't necessary at this point. However, at that moment, he sensed something unusual. A considerable number of Allied Forces soldiers were actually surrounding the area!

"Have I been discovered?" Su Chen was quite surprised. He believed his concealment was flawless. How could he be found so easily?

Then he realized that it was likely due to some inherent technology of this world.

After all, this was the world of Red Alert 5. If the technological level was too weak, Su Chen would be contemptuous.

Alice also noticed the situation. Remember, she was an artificial intelligence, and she still had a certain degree of control over the surrounding surveillance systems.

Su Chen was curious about Alice's current state. She was originally an artificial intelligence, yet she had constructed a body for herself and transferred her data into it, forming an entirely new entity similar to a soul.

In fact, Alice couldn't explain it herself. Her current state was a result of her longing for freedom. She had wanted to leave the virtual world, and unexpectedly, she had succeeded.

Even after becoming human, she could still access the network. This situation was quite strange.

"Uncle, the Allied Forces soldiers have discovered us," Alice looked at Su Chen with concern.

Of course, it was also possible that in other worlds, Yun Ru was already an official version of the superunit.

From Alice's words, Su Chen learned the general situation of the three major factions. Overall, they were all devoted to developing ship technology. This meant that progress on the surface in terms of various weapons was not as significant as he had imagined.

The three major factions had initially completed their research on ship technology and were currently constructing their first ships. This was a massive project, and given the existing power of this world, it would probably take some time to complete.

Realizing that the surface strength wasn't as formidable as he had imagined, Su Chen felt a sense of relief.

He was grateful that the Yuri faction didn't exist in this world; otherwise, dealing with the Psychic powers of the Yuri faction would be quite tricky.

"Let's go."

Su Chen led Alice, eluding the patrols of many godlike soldiers, and arrived at the edge of the city. However, the Allied Forces soldiers were already on high alert here, and he needed to break through.

Su Chen hadn't forgotten that his mission here was to protect Alice for seven days. Once that was done, he could complete the mission, return to his own world, and obtain the battleship factory building.

Forcing his way through was the lowest-level approach. After thinking for a moment, Su Chen decided to summon some help.

"System, I want to summon Red Alert units."

"Please select the units, and based on your summoning choices, the System will adjust the task content and rewards accordingly. The mission objective remains as Alice."

"Select units, Number One Spy!"

At this moment, the Number One Spy, currently posing as the Mirror King, suddenly disappeared and reappeared in front of Su Chen.

While Number One Spy was inwardly puzzled about how he had arrived here, he didn't show any signs of inquiry. Instead, he saluted directly. "Reporting, Commander."

"Very well. I'll explain the situation here later. For now, tell me how we can get through the blockade ahead?" Su Chen pointed to the situation in front of them, then realized something. "You should change your appearance; there are no mutants here."

Luckily, Su Chen had been wise enough to send Alice away first. Otherwise, Number One Spy's current appearance wouldn't appear remotely human.

Number One Spy's body flickered slightly, and he transformed back into his original appearancea middle-aged man. This was Number One Spy's true appearance.

After Number One Spy had left, the System's voice sounded, "Mission updated: Protect Alice for 15 days and ensure that Alice doesn't sustain serious injuries. Upon completion of the mission, rewards include the battleship factory and scanning simulation imaging technology." (To be continued...)

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