Published at 28th of June 2024 05:47:30 AM

Chapter 395: Spy's Specialty!

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Chapter 395: Spy's Specialty!

Su Chen had recognized the first item, but what was the second one?

"In simple terms, it's a comprehensive scanning technology for special areas that can't be covered by Spy satellites. It's a helpful tool for illuminating the map," the System explained in simple terms, and Su Chen immediately understood.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

In other words, with this technology, if he encountered a new planet, he could use this method instead of relying on Spy satellites.

"Not bad," Su Chen said with a smile.

Knock, knock!

The door was knocked. It was definitely Alice.

Sure enough, Alice walked in, wearing an expression as if she had caught Su Chen in the act. "Uncle, how are you going to explain this?"

"???" Su Chen was somewhat puzzled. What did he need to explain?

"I saw it. That person just walked out of Uncle's room, and there's no one else here. Uncle must have come from another world and brought help," Alice said with a confident look at Su Chen.

Su Chen's lip twitched. He hadn't expected Alice to have such a wild imagination, connecting all these dots.

She guessed right, but Su Chen couldn't admit it.

"In reality, that person is a contingency plan I've had here all along. We can leave once he signals," Su Chen calmly explained.

Alice's face was full of disbelief, but she had no evidence to prove that Su Chen came from another world. Her suspicions were just guesses.

"Hmph! Alice will definitely find evidence that Uncle is from another world!" Alice's little face showed her dissatisfaction.

"Alright, I'll wait." Su Chen pinched Alice's cheek and waited for a response from Spy.

After Spy left, he walked the streets, appearing like an ordinary pedestrian. His task from Commander was to help Commander and the little girl safely pass through the blockade at the edge. It was quite a challenge.

He first arrived at some places where people from all walks of life gathered. That's right, a bar again.

Here, he inquired about a lot of information and learned that this world was not his original world. He was slightly shocked, but soon returned to calmness. Regardless of the world, he just needed to complete Commander's task. Other matters were unrelated to him.

Even if the world was destroyed, he would die in battle before Commander.

Reluctantly, he answered.

"Follow me."

Spy followed Captain. He wondered why Captain had called him over. Could it be that he and Bonal were related, and Captain was taking special care of him in the military?

However, Spy couldn't have imagined that upon entering a room, Captain would lean back in his chair and arrogantly say, "Same old rule, take off your pants. Don't waste time."

Wait, take off his pants?

Spy was dumbfounded. What was going on?

Quickly, Spy's mind made a connection. Two men in a room, one telling the other to take off his pants... wasn't this something else entirely?

Bloody hell!

Spy almost blurted out an expletive. He had been a spy for so long, when had he ever encountered something like this?

This Captain was truly unbelievable!

If he wasn't maintaining the dignity of his role as a spy, he really wanted to smack this guy across the face.

Seeing that Spy didn't move, Captain frowned, "Do you want me to do it myself?"


In the next moment, Captain's head was gone. Spy just couldn't hold back.

"I haven't encountered something so disgusting in ages!" Spy said without a good mood. He quickly wiped away all traces here, took on Captain's appearance, and walked out.

Even if he encountered soldiers under Captain's command outside, Spy maintained a cold face. Those soldiers naturally wouldn't cross him, and no one asked about how Bonal was doing.

This Captain was, after all, a low-ranking officer.

By eavesdropping on conversations among surrounding soldiers, he learned that the highest-ranking officer at this border checkpoint was a Colonel named Gregory. He himself was just a sergeant, the difference in rank was too vast, and he had no chance to meet him.

"It looks like I need to find an opportunity." A scheming glint flickered in Spy's eyes. (To be continued...)

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