Published at 28th of June 2024 05:47:26 AM

Chapter 397: Electromagnetic Cannon!

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Chapter 397: Electromagnetic Cannon!

"What's that?"

Su Chen stood atop a hill, looking into the distance. He saw a group of Allied Forces soldiers heading towards a canyon. The canyon was quite vast, estimated to be at least ten kilometers in length.

There were around five hundred Allied Forces soldiers. Such a large number of soldiers entering a canyon definitely raised suspicions.

Curiosity was natural, but Su Chen knew his priorities. His current task was to protect Alice, not to cause trouble within Allied Forces territory.

Just as he was preparing to leave with Alice, a cracking sound suddenly echoed. Su Chen quickly turned his gaze and saw a stone falling from not far away, creating a loud noise upon impact.

"What's that sound?"

The Allied Forces soldiers quickly assumed formation, brandishing their guns. Su Chen even spotted a sniper among them.

"We've been spotted," Su Chen said with certainty. He was dumbfounded. How could he always end up in such unlucky situations? It was truly bizarre.

The sniper immediately spotted Su Chen and Alice. For him, whoever the target was, the first priority was to eliminate them.


A gunshot rang out. Just when he thought Su Chen was done for, Su Chen remained unscathed, standing there calmly. This left the sniper utterly bewildered.

Did he really fire just now?

The sniper did indeed fire, and he did hit Su Chen. However, against a Seventh Order peak like Su Chen, the bullet was hardly worth mentioning.

Su Chen glanced at the bullet in his hand. In terms of power, it was much stronger than a regular sniper bullet, but it still couldn't compare to the snipers in his own base.

After all, the snipers in his base had bullets with power that automatically increased with their strength.

"Now that we're discovered, there's no turning back," Su Chen sighed lightly.

At this moment, Su Chen and the others were at least two kilometers away from the enemy. Attacking from such a distance wasn't simple.

But for Su Chen, this wasn't a problem.

Holding the sniper bullet from earlier, Su Chen flicked it with his thumb and index finger. A roaring sound surged forth.

However, seeing a human run so fast that even armed helicopters couldn't catch up, the Allied Forces higher-ups were shocked.

"He probably isn't from the Empire of the Rising Sun. If the Empire of the Rising Sun had such battle power, do you think they would remain quiet?"

The higher-ups fell silent. They knew the Empire of the Rising Sun well they were a group of lunatics. If they possessed such power, they would likely wreak havoc.

"Wait a minute. That person seems familiar?" One of the higher-ups furrowed his brow.

They carefully observed and finally noticed that the person was the one who had killed Colonel Lake!

"A wanted criminal acting so arrogantly. We absolutely cannot let him escape!" The higher-ups were furious.

But one of them kept his eyes on the little girl, hesitating. "Try to capture an image of that girl."

Overall, Su Chen's speed was slightly slower than that of the helicopters. Eventually, they managed to capture an image of the little girl.

Immediately, the higher-up trembled, a look of indescribable delight on his face. "Alice, it's Alice!"

"What?" The other higher-ups were startled.

Of course, they knew that Alice referred to the artificial intelligence they had targeted in the past.

However, they hadn't expected to find her presence here.

"Are you sure?" One of the higher-ups hadn't seen Alice's appearance before.

"I'm a hundred percent certain. She's Alice!"

"This is fantastic. We've finally found Alice. From now on, the Allied Forces will dominate in the realm of artificial intelligence, crushing the Empire of the Rising Sun!"

The group of higher-ups was ecstatic. They didn't consider Su Chen a threat at all. Little did they know that the person who had wiped out five hundred soldiers with a single blow was Su Chen.

"Uncle, Alice's identity has been discovered. It's up to you to protect her now."

"Don't worry, they're just a bunch of trash. I don't even regard them as a threat." Su Chen looked back, his eyes filled with disdain.

If they pushed him to the limit, even if it meant raising the mission's difficulty level, he would summon his underlings and face the Allied Forces head-on! (To be continued)

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