Published at 28th of June 2024 05:59:49 AM

Chapter 4: Number 21260

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Chapter 4, Number 21260

Leng Yuwei was stunned. In the past, whenever someone obtained an energy crystal, they would keep it for themselves and sell it for a large sum of money. After all, energy crystals were valuable and could fetch tens of thousands of Hope Coins, the currency used in the post-apocalyptic world.The debut release of this chapter happened at Ñøv€l-B1n.

Despite the chaos that had ensued for over a decade, there were now strong alliances and base cities that could barely resist Mutant Beasts. There were a hundred base cities worldwide, each with a minimum of a Level 7 powerhouse in charge, and each issuing a currency called Hope Coins.

Not every Mutant Beast had an energy crystal in its body, which made the crystals even more expensive. A Level 2 Mutant Beast's energy crystal could sell for at least ten thousand Hope Coins.

This was money that they might not earn in a year!

Such a precious item was actually given to one of her subordinates by that person?

Everyone knew that the best way to use an energy crystal was to slowly absorb it to avoid wasting it. If one consumed it all at once, the body's absorption rate would decrease. Was this person a fool or did they not care about an energy crystal?

Su Chen didn't know what they were thinking. He only saw Su Yi's body tremble slightly, and he broke out in a sweat. This was a normal reaction when an energy crystal entered the body and released energy. Most people would explode if they ate it all at once, and only a Level 1 peak Soldier could withstand it.

Suddenly, there was a muffled sound, and Su Yi's eyes opened wide. His aura seemed even stronger.

"Su Yi greets the Commander!" Su Yi saluted Su Chen. Whenever a Red Alert Soldier advanced a level, they would make the same gesture, indicating that they were completely different from before.

"Not bad," Su Chen said. He could see all of his Soldier's information, and in his eyes, Su Yi was far superior to the other Soldiers. Even if five Soldiers attacked him simultaneously, they probably wouldn't be a match for Su Yi.

That was the difference between Level 1 and Level 2!

Leng Yuwei and her companions couldn't believe their eyes. This person not only consumed the energy crystal without any problems, but also advanced a level. They felt that what they had always taken for granted was slowly breaking apart.

In just a few minutes, the large Mutant Dog was cut into pieces by the Soldiers, and even the teeth and bones were carefully preserved.

At this point, Su Si returned and whispered, "Commander, the mission is complete."

Su Chen nodded. There was no doubt about the loyalty of the Red Alert Soldiers. When he said the mission was complete, it meant that the person was dead, and not even a body was left behind.

Looking at the gathering place from afar, Su Chen couldn't believe that this refugee camp-like place was their destination.

"Su Chen, I know it's not a good habit to pry into other people's backgrounds, but I have to remind you that you guys... are too conspicuous," Leng Yuwei pointed at Su Yi and the others.

In this Apocalypse, water resources are very scarce. Even though they have invented machines that can produce water in various ways, it is clear that there is no such thing in the gathering place.

This has led to most people's clothes appearing dirty. Leng Yuwei's clothes were relatively clean, with only a few stains. Unfortunately, compared to Su Chen and his group, her clothes could not be considered clean.

Su Chen looked at his and the Soldiers' clothes, which were indeed conspicuous, but that was exactly what he needed.

He knew that in this Apocalypse, only strength had the power of speech. This time, he pretended to be a young master of a powerful family, and these Soldiers were his private army.

With the Red Alert system, Su Chen's mentality had changed.

"Is this very conspicuous? I think it's just average," Su Chen's words made Leng Yuwei's face look a bit ugly. This guy was definitely from a base city, maybe even a young master of a big family. But why did he come to such a remote place?

The nearest base city was at least two hundred kilometers away.

Leng Yuwei didn't continue. She just wanted to repay Su Chen's life-saving grace. As for whether he lived or died afterwards, it had nothing to do with her.

Most of the houses in the gathering place were made of wood, surrounded by wooden fences, making it look like a small village.

In front of the gathering place was a wooden board with the numbers 160 written on it, indicating which gathering place it was.

However, relatively speaking, not many people cared about this number. Since the gathering place appeared, countless ones had been destroyed by Mutant Beasts, and only one in ten remained.

Living in the gathering place meant bearing the risk of being destroyed by Mutant Beasts.

"Oh, isn't this the famous Red Rose? Why are there only three of you back? What about your other two teammates? Did they die or run away?" Suddenly, a mocking voice sounded.

Su Chen looked over and saw a two-meter-tall muscular woman with a mocking face looking at Leng Yuwei. However, her eyes occasionally glanced towards Su Chen's direction, attracted by his clean attire.

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