Published at 28th of June 2024 05:47:20 AM

Chapter 401: Can't Visit for Nothing

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Chapter 401: Can't Visit for Nothing

Spy's disguise worked fine against ordinary people, but against strong individuals like Su Chen, it was seen through at a glance.

Back then, Su Chen advised Spy to keep a low profile, especially when facing individuals stronger than himself, as it was easy to be exposed.

Unfortunately, people in this world didn't know that. In their eyes, disguises only failed when facing Hounds; they didn't believe there was any other way to see through them.

In just one day, Su Chen caught over a dozen Spies. They included delivery workers, plumbers, and even someone selling DVDs.

The last one really went too farselling DVDs right at his lavish villa. How audacious!

Seemingly aware that Spies were being captured, the major factions changed their approach and prepared for a sudden assault.

That night, several figures suddenly appeared inside the luxurious villa. They ended up in the same room, discovering each other's presence and almost starting a fight.

"Don't attack. We're all from the three major factions. Our target is Alice. Once we secure Alice, we can discuss further," one of them said.


"Sounds good."

The three temporarily reached an agreement to deal with Alice after obtaining her.

However, when they opened the door, they found someone standing outside.

One of them raised their weapon and attacked the person standing there. A beam of light shot out.

It turned out to be a Hyperspace Legionnaire!

Standing outside was Yuri, his psychic powers spread throughout the villa. As soon as the three new arrivals appeared, he instantly noticed them.

Just when the Hyperspace Legionnaire thought they had the upper hand, they suddenly felt a flash of light, and the beam of light struck the chandelier in the hallway.

With a snap, the chandelier disappeared, and the Legionnaire passed out.

"First one," Yuri's cold voice resonated, sounding like a sinister whisper to the other two.

These individuals who appeared instantaneously were clearly of the Hyperspace series. The only difference was their unique methods of attack.

Indeed, the person in the courtyard was covered head to toe in armor, resembling a character from a movie that Su Chen had seen.

Alice stood beside Su Chen, her little face serious. "Uncle, be careful. This is the most confidential unit of the Allied Forces, the fully covered Exoskeleton Armor Trooper. It grants Humans power comparable to that of Mechas, which is terrifying."

Not only that, but a second and third figure appeared, looking similar to the first one, but with different styles of armor.

"Why do I feel like the units of the three factions are becoming more and more similar?" Su Chen found it odd.

"That's normal. No one wants to fall behind. Whenever one faction conducts research, the others follow suit. Even the Alice project, which gave birth to Alice, had similar projects in the other two factions. Alice's appearance disrupted that balance," Alice explained.

"Alright, whether they're Iron Man or not, no one can take Alice away from me, Su Chen."

With those words, the three armored troopers charged at him. Their punches emitted different-colored light, releasing a burst of powerful energy, reaching the level of Seventh Order!

"It seems these are the trump cards of the three factions. No wonder System said the world's strongest power only reaches the pinnacle of Seventh Order. So, it's these three individuals."


A loud explosion shattered Su Chen's villa, sending shockwaves everywhere.

Luckily, Su Chen had foreseen a major battle and had everyone evacuated. Otherwise, with this level of power, ordinary people would surely have perished.

The three armored troopers were convinced they had won since nobody had ever withstood their attacks before. This gave them confidence.

Even a tank, they believed, would be crushed by their fist!

However, when they saw Su Chen standing unharmed before them, they were dumbfounded.

"This can't be!"

"From now on, anything is possible."

Su Chen snapped his fingers, and three bolts of lightning descended from the sky, turning the troopers into charred remains. One move, and they were defeated!

"I never thought the lightning power of a Weather Controller would be so strong. No wonder it can kill Eighth Order experts." It was Su Chen's first time experimenting with lightning power, and it felt exhilarating. (To be continued...)

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