Published at 28th of June 2024 05:47:18 AM

Chapter 402: Shipyard Factory

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Chapter 402: Shipyard Factory

"Mission complete. Prepare for return. Does the master choose Alice as the unit to take back?"

As soon as the time came, System's voice appeared.


As Su Chen spoke, he noticed that the scene before him changed, becoming the command center of his base. Standing beside him was Alice alone.

"Where's Yuri and Spy Number One?"

"They've both returned to their original locations. Please rest assured, Master."

Su Chen nodded. While he was fine with Yuri, Spy Number One was currently masquerading as Mirror King. If he suddenly disappeared, the Mutants might cause trouble again.

Alice couldn't believe she had been transported to another place just by blinking her eyes.

Subconsciously, she attempted to connect to the network to understand where she was, but she failed.

This was the Red Alert Base, where everything was under Su Chen's control, including the network. Alice couldn't simply establish a connection to the network here out of thin air; it wasn't possible.

"Uncle, where is this place? And why can't I access the internet?" Alice asked curiously.

"Alice, didn't you say I'm not from your world?" Su Chen smiled slightly.

It was such an obvious statement that if Alice couldn't understand it, she wouldn't be worthy of being the most powerful artificial intelligence.

"Uncle, are you really from another world? Wait, you just said, your world... Does that mean this is your world?" Alice's eyes lit up.

For an artificial intelligence, the most intriguing things were those yet to be answered, as the unknown piqued her curiosity. One of these things was the theory of cosmic diversification. Unfortunately, this theory had never been confirmed.

She hadn't expected that she had truly arrived in another world.

Su Chen didn't force Alice to address him as Commander. After all, Alice's loyalty didn't need to be questioned once she arrived here; it had been arranged properly by System.

Su Chen left the command center with Alice and unexpectedly encountered Ju Ling.

"Commander, just now"

"Now that we finally have a shipyard factory, let's see what this thing looks like."

Su Chen opened the interface and saw a new icon, which was the shipyard factory.

He was ready to start construction, but then System warned him, "The shipyard factory is enormous. I recommend the master construct it in a spacious area."

"Huh? Isn't this place spacious enough?" Su Chen looked at the large area before him. This area had been coal mines, but they had been dug out.

Su Chen was speechless. He went to the surface and finally found a suitable place, one that covered an area of at least 50 square kilometers!

"Truly deserving of being a shipyard factory. A construction unit actually needs this much space. It's like telling Super Fortresses and Kirov Airships to move aside." Su Chen's eye twitched.

Once Su Chen learned the energy required to build the shipyard factory, he almost spat blood.

Fifty million!

That's how much energy the shipyard factory required!

"For the sake of future warships, I'll endure!" Su Chen painfully paid fifty million energy, then paid an additional one million energy to reduce the construction time. The shipyard factory appeared instantly.

Su Chen vowed that he had never seen such a large building. It was so vast that its boundaries couldn't be seen at a glance.

"So, this is the shipyard factory? If I build a few more, I'll be broke?" Su Chen sighed.

With the construction of the shipyard factory completed, he saw a new icon on the interfacea ship icon. This ship was called a Small Escort Ship.

"Damn, such a massive ship, and it's just a Small Escort Ship? What does the Large Escort Ship look like? And what about the main warship?"

"System, if we're going to build larger warships in the future, will I need to prepare more shipyard factories?"

"The shipyard factory can construct any type of warship, regardless of size. Please rest assured about this, Master."

Su Chen immediately felt relieved. If each warship needed its own shipyard factory, he wouldn't be able to keep up.

The appearance of this Small Escort Ship was exactly the same as the ships of the Yan Yun Star people. Su Chen planned to build ten of themafter all, he couldn't be too shabby. However, building these ten ships cost him fifty million energy each. If his energy reserves hadn't been fairly abundant lately, he probably wouldn't have been able to afford it.

"Ah, Carrier, I owe you an apology. I used to think you were the most energy-consuming unit." (To be continued...)

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