Published at 28th of June 2024 05:47:16 AM

Chapter 403: Ready to Depart, Yan Yun Star!

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Chapter 403: Ready to Depart, Yan Yun Star!

This day, the entire world was focused on one event!

People excitedly spread the word, setting aside whatever tasks they had on hand to watch the live stream on their phones, the only live broadcast available.

"I've got just one word to say right now: damn! I never thought I'd witness Humans leaving Earth in my lifetime, preparing to conquer another planet. This is too thrilling! Kids won't be able to handle it!"

"Hey, the above commenter, that's two words! Even if there wasn't an Apocalypse, with the technology level before it, achieving this would probably have taken hundreds of years. I can't believe that just thirty years have passed, and we're not only seeing aliens, but we're also about to watch our warships head to another planet. I'll cry for a while."

"Cry my foot! If you're a man, you shouldn't cry. If I had the strength, I'd want to join the expedition too, but alas."

"Hehe, my cousin is a member of this expedition, and this time, even Emperor Himself will be present. This is a historic event that will be recorded in Earth's history."

Originally, Su Chen didn't intend to go himself. After all, traveling such a long distance, what if something went wrong?

However, System was very clear: for this mission on Yan Yun Star, Su Chen had to be present. At the very least, he needed to be on Yan Yun Star.

With no other options, he had to go in person.

He couldn't take everyone with him this time. Earth needed to maintain a certain level of fighting strength to suppress the Mutants and Mutant Beasts.

There was no need to worry about the Variants; Dahua was in charge of that. But for the Mutants, Su Chen decided to take all three Spies with him. If Mirror King and Charm Emperor both vanished, the Mutants might cause trouble again. This was a precautionary measure.

Spy Number Two, who was posing as Golden Emperor, would also disappear. Su Chen had informed Human Emperor of all these details.

As for the remaining superunits, he needed to leave at least half of them behind. In the end, Su Chen decided to bring Yun Ru, Libra, Ju Ling, and Tanya with him, while leaving the others temporarily on Earth to suppress the Mutants and Mutant Beasts. On Human Emperor's side, Emperor Kong, Eastern Emperor, Emperor Yu, and White Emperor were brought along, leaving only Western Emperor and a few other eighth-order Transcendents behind.

Lastly, Leng Yuwei was still on Earth, and Su Chen had to ensure her safety.

In any case, this was a major operation for Earth. To allow the citizens of the Red Alert Empire to fully experience Earth's strength, Su Chen planned to broadcast the departure, showcasing the might of the warriors embarking on the journey to Yan Yun Star!

In an incredibly vast location, ten enormous warships were stationed. These ships were built to resemble the Yan Yun Star's Small Escort Ship design.

Once the warships entered space, a sweet voice rang out, "Uncle, are we going to the planet called Yan Yun Star? I'm so excited! I never thought I'd get to see other planets."

At the same time, a 3D virtual image appeared before Su Chen, transforming into Alice's likeness.

That's right, Alice, as a special kind of artificial intelligence, was able to spread a portion of her consciousness among the ten warships. They were all part of Alice.

As an artificial intelligence, and a unique one at that, Alice wasn't limited to just one instance. If needed, she could become countless instances, distributed among the ten warships. She was her, but not entirely her.

With Alice's assistance, many aspects of the ten warships required less manpower, showcasing the role of a powerful artificial intelligence.

"Well, in the blink of an eye, we'll be there," Su Chen smiled.

The Red Alert units behind Su Chen remained composed. Even if their Commander said he was going to knock down the sun, they'd believe it.

However, for Human Emperor, this was a bit exaggerated.

They knew the Red Alert Base's technology was formidable, but to claim they'd suddenly arrive at Yan Yun Star, that was implausible.

"Judging by your expressions, it seems you don't believe me. Would you like to make a bet?" Su Chen's lips curled up.

Emperor Kong was quite confident. "If Sovereign Su is so confident, of course we'll accompany you. I wonder what Sovereign Su plans to bet?"

"The wager is simple. If I really can instantly transport us to the vicinity of Yan Yun Star, then you must complete a task for me. If I fail, you can make me do anything."

Seeing Su Chen's confident appearance, Emperor Kong hesitated a bit. But upon reflection, Yan Yun Star was so far from Earth; how could they possibly arrive there in an instant? Sovereign Su was definitely bluffing, and he was certain he'd win this bet.

"Alright, I'll take the bet! But could Sovereign Su please tell us what task you have in mind?"

"Well..." (To be continued...)

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