Published at 28th of June 2024 05:47:08 AM

Chapter 408: Food on Yan Yun Star

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Chapter 408: Food on Yan Yun Star

When Commander gave the order, none of the Red Alert units dared to object, so their approach changed.

"Red Alert Base, three meals a day, enough to eat. Coming?"

"No matter how many people come, we'll take them in at Red Alert Base. What's that? You have over a thousand people? Brothers, pack up and take them with us!"

"Do you know a place with over ten thousand people? No need for more words. From now on, you can bring anyone you want; it doesn't matter if they're not human! Red Alert Base will take them all in!"

Of course, those who were willing to come were mainly attracted by the formidable combat power of the Red Alert units. Without strength, they wouldn't dare to come.

After all, everyone knew how terrifying the Ghost Clan's strength was.

As the number of people increased, there were naturally differing opinions.

"Is your Red Alert Base really that strong? Aren't you afraid we'll be lured into a trap with the Ghost Clan and sent to our deaths?" A discordant voice sounded, instantly quieting the people around.

The Red Alert Soldier looked over; the speaker was a scruffy-looking man who appeared to be homeless, dressed in tattered clothes.

"If you have objections to our Red Alert Base, you're free to choose not to come. We won't force you," the Soldier said with a serious expression.

If Su Chen hadn't known about the incident in the previous location, where the Soldier had directly ordered others to take physical action, he might have believed it!

"I've never heard of your Red Alert Base before. How come your base's name isn't on the top 100 list of Yan Yun Star's bases?" The homeless man persisted.

It was well-known that while base establishment was common on this planet, there were few bases with real strength.

To that end, Yan Yun Star had established a list of the top 100 bases, and any base that made the list was considered powerful.

Many people were familiar with this list, so they looked at the Red Alert units with puzzled expressions.

"Since you don't believe us, then I can only resort to..." The Red Alert Soldier's expression turned serious. "Winning you over with actions."

Tap, tap, tap!

A group of Red Alert units moved, directly throwing these people into vehicles and taking them away. This was Earth's way of "winning people over with actions."

The homeless man was left stunned. Why wasn't anyone following the expected procedure?

Before the Apocalypse on Earth, if not for deliberately controlling the numbers, those domesticated chickens, ducks, and geese would have been more numerous than humans.

"Could there be some hidden reason?"

Su Chen didn't delve into it. Anyway, as long as there was rice to eat, the soldiers would have the strength to kill the enemy.

With the food source settled, the next step was to continue searching for Yan Yun Star's locals and the Ghost Clan's strongholds.

Up until now, the Red Alert Soldiers hadn't found a single Ghost Clan stronghold. At most, they had encountered the Ghost Clan while searching for Yan Yun Star people and then exterminated them.

During this time, they had captured some Ghost Clan prisoners and used Yuri Clones to perform psychic control on them to obtain information.

It turned out that the Ghost Clan had always existed underground on Yan Yun Star. However, unlike the Lunar people, they had no connection to the people of Yan Yun Star. In fact, the Ghost Clan were the native inhabitants of Yan Yun Star, while the current people of Yan Yun Star were newcomers.

The former Ghost Clan was a warm and hospitable race that lived carefree lives on Yan Yun Star.

But one day, a battleship discovered Yan Yun Star and its vast untapped mineral resources, arousing their greed.

The arrival of the Human army later brought disaster to the Ghost Clan. Faced with the immensely powerful Human army, the Ghost Clan couldn't withstand a single blow and could only retreat underground.

Seeing that the Ghost Clan posed no threat, Humans stopped pursuing them and began occupying Yan Yun Star.

As time passed, the number of people who knew about the Ghost Clan diminished. Later generations believed that they were the true natives of Yan Yun Star, not realizing that they were the descendants of invaders.

Of course, it was the same throughout the universe. When dealing with non-Human races, Humans didn't consider themselves cruel; they knew that when non-Human races confronted Humans, it was the same.

In the universe, battles between races were often ruthless.

However, this left behind a problem. The surviving Ghost Clan, living underground on Yan Yun Star for many years, had regained their strength and numbers.

On that day, they burst out from underground and launched a counterattack against Humans.

This marked the beginning of Yan Yun Star's disaster.

"So you mean we've become accomplices?" Su Chen chuckled. (To be continued)

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