Published at 28th of June 2024 05:47:00 AM

Chapter 413: Who Gave You the Qualification to Call Yourselves an Empire?

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Chapter 413: Who Gave You the Qualification to Call Yourselves an Empire?

When Su Chen requested that they split into two groups, Emperor Kong had no choice but to agree. However, when they descended to the surface of Yan Yun Star, they accidentally stumbled upon a large battle between Humans and the Ghost Clan.

Both sides were Humans, so Emperor Kong naturally chose to help the people of Yan Yun Star. A large number of war weapons were unloaded from the ships specifically to deal with the Ghost Clan.

Although the fighting Yan Yun Star residents didn't know where these ships had come from, they didn't hesitate to accept their assistance since they were allies.

After a battle, they managed to repel the Ghost Clan's attack. The lord of a nearby city arrived, preparing to welcome these reinforcements.

"Who knows where these people come from?"

The city lord was a shrewd-looking man, his long green hair fluttering in the wind, making him quite striking.

"Lord of the City, there's no information about these five ships. They don't have any recorded numbers either. They might be privately manufactured warships. Judging by their size, they seem to be small escort ships."

Clearly, this man was implying that the newcomers were not from a prominent place.

On Yan Yun Star, although warships weren't abundant, anyone with influence would definitely not use only small escort ships. They would use better warships.

Having his underlings' explanation, the city lord was at ease.

As the first official communication between two planets, Emperor Kong, along with several other Human Emperors and high-ranking personnel, disembarked from the warships and stood before the city lord and his group.

Upon seeing these people, the city lord was momentarily taken aback. Why were there so many people with black hair? Wasn't black hair rare on Yan Yun Star?

"Thank you all for helping defend Wuyu City from the vile Ghost Clan. I am City Lord Xia Ji Chu. May I inquire about the origins of our esteemed guests?"

As expected of a city lord, pleasantries flowed effortlessly from his mouth.

"We are from the Red Alert Empire. In response to your call for help, we've come here to aid you against the Ghost Clan," Emperor Kong wasn't lying. Although Lisa and the others had been left behind, their arrival had indeed resulted from a request for aid.

"This has nothing to do with me. If Lord Xia doesn't welcome us, we'll leave immediately," Emperor Kong replied calmly.

Of course, Xia Ji Chu couldn't let Emperor Kong and his group leave. Apart from other considerations, just their combat strength alone could enhance their own side's power. The next time the Ghost Clan attacked, Xia Ji Chu would have countless ways to turn them into cannon fodder!

"Why wouldn't I welcome you? Regardless of who you are, based on the fact that you just saved our soldiers, as the City Lord, I'm obliged to entertain you."

The massive warships parked a few kilometers away from Wuyu City, while Emperor Kong and the others entered the city to accept Xia Ji Chu's hospitality.

"After entering, be cautious," Emperor Kong quietly relayed to the others.

Everything they knew about Yan Yun Star came from Lisa and the others. However, some things had to be seen with their own eyes to be truly believed.

The city's layout was a blend of ancient and modern, with futuristic skyscrapers and classical low courtyard-style buildings. Even their means of transportation were a type of hovering vehicle.

In this regard, Earth still had a long way to go.

As Xia Ji Chu and Emperor Kong conversed incessantly on the road, both were hoping to gather information from the other. However, both sides remained tight-lipped, and not a shred of useful information was obtained. They soon realized that the other party was not an ordinary individual.

While passing through a certain area, Emperor Kong noticed somethingthe buildings here looked rundown, and so did the people's attire inside. It seemed like a slum.

"No matter where you are, it seems that the poor exist," Emperor Kong sighed inwardly.

He had assumed that with Yan Yun Star's technology being so advanced compared to Earth, there wouldn't be any poor people. Reality had shown him that he was being overly optimistic.

Disparities between the rich and poor existed everywhere.

At the banquet, everyone enjoyed themselves. Upon Xia Ji Chu's invitation, they stayed within Wuyu City. That same night, some people quietly left Wuyu City and headed towards the location of the five warships.

"Even I, the lord of Wuyu City, don't have the qualifications to build warships. Yet you outsiders have five. I can't forgive that." (To be continued)

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