Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:58 AM

Chapter 414: Captain's Permissions

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Chapter 414: Captain's Permissions

Xia Ji Chu believed that his actions were seamless and that no one could possibly notice. However, he was unaware that after his people's movement, they were detected by Red Alert troops.

"Lord Emperor Kong, our people have discovered that over a hundred individuals have left Wuyu City, and their target is our warships."

A Red Alert soldier reported to Emperor Kong. They were equipped with specially modified small radars by Yun Ru, which displayed everything within a hundred-kilometer radius. Those hundred or so dots were now quite prominent.

Once these individuals exhibited hostile intentions, those dots transformed from yellow to red.

"They probably wouldn't mobilize over a hundred people just to seize our warships. Their strengths must be formidable," Emperor Kong speculated.

"According to radar monitoring, the strongest among them is a Seventh Order peak, and the weakest are at the early stages of the Sixth Order."

Emperor Kong couldn't help but sigh. Even in a Level 3 Base City on Earth, the strongest were Controllers at Seventh Order. Those at Sixth Order were just slightly beneath the Controllers, and their numbers were generally no more than fifty.

Yet here, they casually assembled over a hundred individuals. Emperor Kong didn't believe that these over a hundred people were the pinnacle of Wuyu City's elite forces.Visit no(v)eLb(i) for the best novel reading experience

Although he hadn't witnessed Xia Ji Chu's actions, relying on his instincts honed through years of battle, Emperor Kong sensed that Xia Ji Chu was definitely an eighth-order expert. The combat prowess of Wuyu City couldn't be underestimated.

These over a hundred people were wearing specially designed clothing that could shield the scanning systems of the warships. It had been tested and proven effective.

Unfortunately, they weren't aware that Red Alert's troops didn't rely on warship scanning systems when detecting enemies. They used a unique radar system.

Logically speaking, radar was an antique on Yan Yun Star, but within Red Alert Base, it was second only to the Spy satellites. As soon as it was activated, the live feed from an area several hundred kilometers in radius would appear, leaving no one hidden.

In the dark of night, the over a hundred people split into five small teams and stealthily approached the five warships. The captains of each team were Seventh Order experts, with one even being a Seventh Order peak. He was a trusted confidant of City Lord Xia Ji Chu.

"We're less than a kilometer away from the warships. Everyone, be cautious. Don't let them discover us. If they do, eliminate them!" The Seventh Order peak expert spoke in a hushed tone.

"Captain, aren't these just people from a small place? We shouldn't worry. I observed them during the day, and it seems their strengths aren't impressive. They wouldn't stand a chance against the Ghost Clan if it weren't for those powerful weapons." A team member whispered.

"Regardless, as long as we secure the warships, our mission is accomplished." The Captain shared the same belief.

If they knew that Emperor Kong was merely minimizing losses, allowing his subordinates to use weapons for combat, they would probably regret their decisions.

"If I hadn't given them a bit of leeway just now, they would've struggled to breach the defense system. They even had the audacity to call it simple. Pah!"

"They've taken a wrong turn, a bunch of senseless wanderers! No, I need to quickly adjust the route. Otherwise, they won't reach the command room, and how could we proceed with the next performance?"

With Alice's "assistance" in the shadows, these people finally arrived at the command room.

As soon as they entered the command room, excitement erupted among them.

"What a bunch of fools! They didn't leave a single person guarding the command room. Soon, the warship will be ours! Xiao Huang, quickly take control of the ship's core system." The Captain issued orders.

However, after one minute, five minutes, even up to ten minutes, Xiao Huang still hadn't managed to crack the warship's core system.

The Captain's impatience grew, "What's going on?"

Xiao Huang was sweating profusely, "Captain, I don't know why, but I can't break through the ship's core system."

"Didn't you just say that the core system was nothing special?" The Captain's eyes turned fierce.

This was the most crucial part. If they couldn't crack the warship's core system, they would have to resort to another methodcapturing the captain of the ship and compelling them to surrender all permissions for the warship.

Since it was a battle, there would inevitably be casualties. Captain's goal was to secure the warship without causing any harm.

At this moment, a voice echoed in the command room, "Want the Captain's permissions?"

"Who's there? Show yourself!" The Captain was startled.

In the next second, a virtual projection appeared before themit was Alice.

"Are you the artificial intelligence of this warship?" The Captain furrowed his brows.

He knew a bit about warships. Some warships were equipped with artificial intelligence, making ship control more convenient.

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