Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:55 AM

Chapter 416: I'm Useful, Really Useful!

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Chapter 416: I'm Useful, Really Useful!

As someone who could adapt to different situations, Xia Ji Chu didn't find kneeling to be a humiliation.

In front of the weak, he exhibited the demeanor of a strong person, but when facing someone stronger than him, he could abandon all dignity.

In this day and age, survival was what truly mattered; if you died, nothing else mattered!

That was Xia Ji Chu's belief.

Facing an opponent whose strength far surpassed his own, Xia Ji Chu truly surrendered. In order to become a City Lord-level Expert, he had endured countless hardships to reach his current position. There was no way he would die here.

Emperor Kong was a bit speechless. After all, the other party was an eighth-order powerhouse, and not just any eighth-order, but an Eighth Order Mid-Term powerhouse. Yet, he knelt down just like that. What about the dignity of being an eighth-order powerhouse?

"Why did you attack our warship, especially since we helped you repel the Ghost Clan?" Emperor Kong inquired.

Without hesitation, Xia Ji Chu replied, "With a warship, I can leave this planet. Yan Yun Star is beyond salvation."

"What does that mean?" Emperor Kong was puzzled.

"Early last month, we discovered the presence of what seems to be a Small Galaxy-level powerhouse within the Ghost Clan. Can you imagine who could stand against such a formidable opponent?" Xia Ji Chu sighed helplessly.

Emperor Kong was taken aback. A Small Galaxy-level powerhouse?Updated from novelb(i)n.c(o)m

They were no longer ignorant about the power divisions in the universe.

In their eyes, ninth-order powerhouses were invincible figures. A Small Galaxy-level would only be stronger!

The most crucial point was that a Small Galaxy-level powerhouse could, with their own body, stand in the universe. In other words, if they so wished, they could single-handedly halt all of Yan Yun Star's warships!

"You didn't make this information public?" Emperor Kong sensed that something was amiss.

If Humans knew that there was an absolute boss among the Ghost Clan, they wouldn't be this calm. There was only one possibility: the higher-ups in the Human ranks were keeping this information concealed.

"Those who know about this are at least City Lord-level Experts and some high-ranking individuals. No one dares to spread this information, because if the majority of people know, we would undoubtedly lose this war. We wouldn't even have time to retreat."

"What do you think is the relationship between us and the Ghost Clan?" Xia Ji Chu asked.

Unfortunately, there was no one around to speak. Xia Ji Chu clicked his tongue in annoyance and continued, "It seems like the Ghost Clan emerged from underground as invaders, and we were the victims invaded by them. But who knows, tens of thousands of years ago, we humans were actually the invaders, and the Ghost Clan were the original inhabitants here..."

Emperor Kong heard an incredibly absurd story from Xia Ji Chu's words.

Who could have imagined that the people of Yan Yun Star were descendants of invaders, and the original inhabitants, the Ghost Clan, had been driven underground by them? And then, tens of thousands of years later, the Ghost Clan emerged to take revenge on the Humans.

"Too absurd, even a movie wouldn't dare to depict this." White Emperor shook his head.

Emperor Kong remained silent. This was a situation he hadn't foreseen. Initially, when he heard that the people of Yan Yun Star were attacked by the Ghost Clan, he felt some pity. But now, he realized they had brought it upon themselves.

Unfortunately, the present generation of Yan Yun Star people were the unlucky ones, as those ancestors who had committed crimes were long gone.

"But what does this news have to do with us?"

Emperor Kong's words left Xia Ji Chu dumbfounded.

True, this revelation was shocking, but it had no direct relevance to them. At most, it was just an interesting secret to know.

"I'm still the Lord of Rainless City for now. You can consider me a puppet. This way, it won't incite resistance from some people. You wouldn't want to have a chaotic city, right?"

"Your life will be spared temporarily, but as for the rest, it's no longer your concern."

With that, Emperor Kong placed his hand on Xia Ji Chu's head, and a powerful energy immediately suppressed his entire body. In an instant, Xia Ji Chu became an ordinary person.

After Xia Ji Chu was taken away, Emperor Kong began to contemplate how to deal with the absence of Xia Ji Chu. After all, Xia Ji Chu was the current lord of the place, and their sudden assumption of power could raise suspicions.

Just as the four Emperors were pondering, a figure walked in. "Lords of Kings, the solution to this matter is simple. Just find someone to impersonate Xia Ji Chu."

"Who are you?" Emperor Kong realized he didn't recognize this person, but since they were able to enter, they must be one of their own.

The newcomer removed their hat and bowed. "We've met before, Emperor Kong. Do you remember the Mirror King from Lu Chu City?" (To be continued)

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