Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:50 AM

Chapter 419: Everything is in the Plan!

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Chapter 419: Everything is in the Plan!

"Shall I intervene? Otherwise, the soldiers might get hurt," White Emperor couldn't help but say.

These soldiers were the cream of the crop, the elite of the Humans. If they sustained injuries here, White Emperor would feel pained.

Emperor Kong stopped him, saying, "These Flying Head Ghosts can't trouble them. Everything is in the plan!"

White Emperor looked puzzled. Since when did they have a plan? How come he wasn't aware of it?

As the Psychic Shield of the Mechas approached zero energy, in that instant, all of the Mechas erupted!

The first to shake off the surrounding Flying Head Ghosts were the four Celestial Armor Mechas. These were powerful Mechas that had undergone numerous upgrades from the Red Alert Base. They couldn't be destroyed that easily.

The Celestial Armor had a berserk mode. Once entered, the Mecha's energy would be rapidly consumed within a short time, but it would unleash a more potent power!

If originally they could only compete evenly with an expert at the peak of the Seventh Order, now they could contend even with experts of the late Seventh Order!

"Die, you disgusting freaks with ghost heads!"

With a single flash of his great sword, White Emperor cut down over ten Flying Head Ghosts. They turned into a pool of black liquid that fell from the sky.

The liquid happened to fall on a Fifth Order Ghost Clan member, causing the Ghost Clan member to let out a wail as its entire body melted. A large pit appeared on the ground, emitting a strange odor.

This was why the soldiers feared the Flying Head Ghosts. These things were a pain to deal with striking or not striking, they were like rolling meat, a nauseating sight.

And unfortunately, the Flying Head Ghosts were fast, highly corrosive, and caused great damage to the Humans.

Whenever Flying Head Ghosts appeared, Humans almost always had to send suicide squads to deal with them, barely holding back the Flying Head Ghosts' assault.

If it weren't for the relatively small number of Flying Head Ghosts among the Ghost Clan, Humans might have long been defeated.

After the Mecha forces erupted, the number of Flying Head Ghosts plummeted. Terrified, they attempted to retreat.

However, the Mecha forces wouldn't allow them to withdraw and pursued them relentlessly.

Their actions seemed to have angered the Ghost Clan. An Eighth Order Ghost Clan member appeared, preparing to destroy these Mechas in the air.

Emperor Kong's lips curled up. "The Ghost Clan can't hold back any longer. White Emperor, you can act now."

Hearing this, White Emperor couldn't hold back anymore and rushed forward, arriving in front of the Eighth Order Ghost Clan member.

"Too fast. I didn't expect White Emperor's strength to reach this level," Emperor Yu was excited. Witnessing a battle between two experts of the same level was highly beneficial for him.

Bang, bang, bang!

In just a few seconds, the two clashed over a hundred times. Every time White Emperor attempted to attack the Eighth Order Ghost Clan member with his knuckledusters, the latter used a strange power to keep them apart, preventing the knuckledusters from touching his body.

White Emperor was growing anxious. Compressing his domain wasn't as simple as it sounded. He endured immense pressure every second. If he couldn't defeat the enemy in a short time, he wouldn't be able to hold on himself.

The Eighth Order Ghost Clan member had a similar idea. Using this ability wasn't something they could do haphazardly. Even an Eighth Order Ghost Clan member couldn't use it for an extended period. The strain it placed on their bodies was too great.

It was evident that blood was seeping from the Eighth Order Ghost Clan member's body. His body had started to break down.

Their strengths were nearly equal. Now it was a matter of who could hold out longer!

"Shall we intervene?" Emperor Yu asked.

When facing an enemy, relying solely on single combat was foolish. This was a battle between two species, not a contest!

Emperor Yu's words didn't surprise the other two Emperors. If they saw that White Emperor was truly struggling, they would certainly step in.

They hadn't acted yet because the time wasn't right.

At the very least, White Emperor hadn't lost!

The Flying Head Ghosts and the Mecha forces had already left the battlefield. They watched this scene from a distance, filled with envy.

When could they stand in the sky without needing Mechas?


Suddenly, a figure descended from the sky, crashing heavily on the ground and kicking up dust.

Both sides were very concerned who had won in the end?

In midair, White Emperor stood slightly disheveled, suspended in the air with his arms crossed, his expression stern and his aura imposing.

Hmm, if he could just get rid of those panda eyes, he'd be perfect.

"This guy still can't resist showing off even in this state," Emperor Yu teased with a smile. (To be continued)

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