Published at 28th of June 2024 05:58:53 AM

Chapter 42: No Woman Dares to Refuse Me!

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Chapter 42: No Woman Dares to Refuse Me!

A good gathering was disrupted by outsiders, so Su Chen and his group decided to leave and go to the temporary residence of Leng Yuwei and her two companions, Leng Yuwei being a Transcendent.nôvel binz was the first platform to present this chapter.

As a Base City, thousands of people lived there, which led to a shortage of living space. The entire Base City was divided into four areas: A, B, C, and D. A was the most important area, where the ten major families lived, and it was also the best environment in Base City. B was where other families and some forces lived, and only Transcendents were allowed to enter. C was the most lively area, where both ordinary people and Transcendents lived. D was where some ordinary people lived, and it could be said to be a refugee camp in Base City. The people here struggled for their livelihoods every day and had no future unless they unexpectedly became Transcendents.

This led to very compact living conditions in the C area. Leng Yuwei and her two companions lived in a place where each person only had a 20-square-meter room, which was a privilege they received due to their Transcendent status. If they were ordinary people, they would have to live with ten people in a 10-square-meter room.

Su Chen promised to give them each a big house once he controlled Base City. However, he also reminded them that they needed to continue to improve their strength and not die easily, or they would lose the chance to live in a big house.

While they were chatting, a group of people suddenly rushed into their building and came to Leng Yuwei's floor. They claimed to be from the city defense team and had received a report that there was an A-level wanted criminal in their residence. Leng Yuwei was worried because the city defense team was a department that protected Base City, and its members were mostly ordinary people. Even Transcendents did not dare to mess with them. Luo Hang was not happy about the situation, but they could not easily offend the city defense team, or they would have a hard time in Base City.

In anger, Wang Yi came here to have some fun, and his subordinates happened to say they saw a beautiful woman, so he sent someone to bring her over.

However, he was displeased when the woman refused to give him face, so he used his power to send the city defense team to bring her in. This was not the first time he had used such tactics, and he was always successful.

He received a message from his subordinates that the woman was on her way and was definitely more beautiful than any woman he had ever seen.

He was confident that no woman would dare to refuse him, as he had the power that many people envied, being the young master of the Wang family.

But when he thought of his previous failure, he felt his anger rising. He blamed the owner of the Military Base for his downfall and wondered why he was still drinking here instead of reaching the pinnacle of his life.

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