Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:48 AM

Chapter 421: Are There Differences in Landmines?

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Chapter 421: Are There Differences in Landmines?

When Su Chen was bored and had nothing else to do, he absentmindedly drew maps with his hand. To his surprise, he discovered that the map had changed its appearance!

On the other side of the map, which was mostly black, there were actually units represented by blue dots, and wait, weren't those Emperor Kong and the others?

Due to his habitual thinking, he had always assumed there was only one side to the map. He had never thought that the map on Yan Yun Star was actually divided into two parts.

One side was where he was, and the other was where Emperor Kong was. They were situated on opposite sides of the Planet.

Now that he could see Emperor Kong's location, Su Chen naturally began to operate skillfully.

Select the position, zoom in, and get the popcorn and cola ready!

In other words, Su Chen was able to completely observe their performance in the latter part of the battle.

"Tsk tsk, Emperor Kong is still too kind. Just like my old buddy, they're not Earthlings. What do I care if they die?" Su Chen didn't agree with Emperor Kong's decision, but they had agreed before leaving that Emperor Kong would lead on that side, and he wouldn't interfere.

But soon, Su Chen thought, if Emperor Kong and the others weren't this compassionate, would humans on Earth have such good development?

If every Human Emperor was a selfish person, maybe by the time Su Chen arrived, humans on Earth would have already perished.

As an Emperor, he should stand for humans!

Their scope of thinking was no longer just about themselves; it encompassed all of humanity.

Certainly, people from Yan Yun Star were different from Earthlings, but they were all humans. As Human Emperors, they couldn't just abandon them.

Without the view of the map, Su Chen couldn't see the situation in the dark area, which made him quite unhappy.

Accustomed to having advantages, he suddenly couldn't enjoy the pleasure it brought. How could he tolerate that?

"System, can you build Spy satellites above their heads?"

Su Chen knew he couldn't waste too much time here, or by the time the Dream Shadow Clan arrived on Earth, there would be no one to stop them.

In this situation, a Hyperspace Teleportation Device like the one he had previously would be extremely useful.

"With the master's current situation, it would take 100 times of the Weapons upgrade opportunity to upgrade the Hyperspace Teleportation Device to that level."

Su Chen's mouth twitched at the System's words. 100 times of Weapons upgrade opportunities would cost him 1 billion energy even if he bought them!

While Su Chen could accumulate this much energy with some time, he still felt it was too extravagant to spend so much energy just to upgrade the Hyperspace Teleportation Device.

Unless it was a dire situation, and there wasn't enough time until the Dream Shadow Clan's arrival, he would consider using this method to temporarily upgrade the strength of the Red Alert Base. In the short term, it seemed more practical.

For now, Su Chen gave up on upgrading the Hyperspace Teleportation Device and continued to focus on Number One Spy's progress.

After dispatching some soldiers with MCVs (Mobile Construction Vehicles) to leave Rainless City, Spy silently turned his attention to the Ghost Clan.

He knew that after suffering such a big loss, the Ghost Clan would certainly seek revenge. True to his expectations, the Ghost Clan finally took action that night.

"Ghost Clan is attacking. Deploy the manpower according to the plan we formulated during the day." Emperor Kong said.

"As for the manpower, I have already arranged it. I brought some MAD Landmines and genetic landmines from the Warship specially for this purpose. EMP landmines aren't particularly effective against these non-mechanical enemies, so I didn't bring any." Spy said.

Warships were equipped with various Red Alert weapons, some of which hadn't even appeared on Earth.

"What's MAD Landmine? Aren't landmines all the same?" Emperor Yu was a bit puzzled. In his view, landmines were buried in the ground and would explode when someone stepped on them. Why were there so many differences?

"MAD Landmines have a self-invisibility device and won't be detected by enemies through various means. They have a tremendously destructive power upon detonation, enough to kill even a Seventh Order expert if they're not careful. Their coverage area reaches around 50 meters in diameter. Genetic landmines, on the other hand, don't have any destructive power upon explosion, but they're more suitable for the battlefield. They can transform enemies within their coverage area into Beastmen, which can then be used to fight against the enemy. You should be familiar with Beastmen."

The four Emperors nodded. Of course, they were familiar with Beastmen. After all, those muscular bodyguards provided by the Red Alert Security Company on Earth were Beastmen, weren't they?

At first, some were apprehensive of Beastmen, but gradually, if someone didn't hire a Beastman, they felt embarrassed to call themselves wealthy! (To be continued)

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