Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:46 AM

Chapter 422: Enemy Attack!

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Chapter 422: Enemy Attack!

"The last EMP mine, this type of mine can paralyze mechanized troops, of course, it also has a good explosive power, but the situation this time isn't suitable for the appearance of this mine."

Hearing Spy's explanation, the four Emperors finally realized that the Red Alert Base had so many valuable things.

Due to the pre-arrangement, Soldier's movements were minimal, and the residents of Rainless City had no idea that a large group of Ghost Clan would soon attack here.

The night was dim, with nine moons hanging in the sky, and the moonlight cast a layer of white gauze on the ground. In the shadows of various corners of the city, a large number of Soldiers were ambushed.

These Soldiers were puzzled. How could the Ghost Clan attack in the middle of the night? They had never heard of such a thing.

But this order came directly from the city lord, and no one dared to dissent. At most, they whispered a few words quietly.

"Do you think the city lord has overthought this? It's the middle of the night. My wife has already gone to sleep. How could there be Ghost Clan showing up?" a Soldier complained softly.

"Who knows, anyway, we just need to follow orders. By the way, don't you guys think the Mechas that appeared on the battlefield during the day were quite impressive?"

"I really wish I could have a Mecha too, but I heard that Mechas are expensive. Only the city lord of Rainless City has one. The most important thing is, becoming a Mecha pilot has strict requirements."

"Forget about it, those Mechas belong to the reinforcements, and they have nothing to do with us. You guys don't know, I tried to establish some connections with those reinforcements before. Guess what I found out?"

"What?" People around him were eager to know.

"I found out that those reinforcements have incredible discipline. Their movements from start to finish are identical. If it weren't for my smooth conversations with them, I would almost suspect they were all robots."

On Yan Yun Star, Robots existed, but they were considered auxiliary tools. There was no development of Robots for combat purposes. The mainstream belief on Yan Yun Star was that only Transcendents were the most powerful, and all Robots were considered inferior.

They had no idea that in the universe, Robots could be formidable entities.

While these people were quietly chatting, suddenly a series of loud noises occurred, leaving them bewildered.

Who was firing cannons in the middle of the night?

"No, the sound is coming from that direction... Enemy attack!"New novel chapters are published on

The Soldiers reacted quickly. They realized that the city lord's preparations were correct; the Ghost Clan was indeed launching a surprise attack at night.

Little did they know that it wasn't the Rainless City Soldiers who were stopping the Shadow Ghosts, but the Beastmen from the Red Alert Base!

The Beastmen's interception, coupled with the barrage of Cannon fire from various Weapons, in just half an hour, reduced the three hundred thousand Shadow Ghosts to less than fifty thousand!

This scene was noticed by the leader of the trailing Ghost Clan forces, and his expression soured.

Regardless, these Shadow Ghosts were cannon fodder for their Ghost Clan. According to the plan, cannon fodder should have breached the city walls. Yet, the Shadow Ghosts were being annihilated before even reaching the walls.

"Sir, we must deploy the Ghost Master. Otherwise, it will be difficult to capture Rainless City tonight," a Ghost Clan member said.

Ghost Masters held a significant position within the Ghost Clan. Each one was a precious resource.

Usually, they were only summoned when dealing with tough opponents. Each time a Ghost Master intervened, the city would fall.

But once a Ghost Master was called upon, it meant their initial plans had failed, and they would face severe reprimands from higher-ups.

In most cases, no Ghost Clan was willing to summon a Ghost Master.

The leader of the Ghost Clan furrowed his brow tightly, watching as the number of Shadow Ghosts dwindled. He knew he had to make a decision.

"Summon the Ghost Master."

And so, they waited until they had eliminated three hundred thousand Shadow Ghosts. The Ghost Clan still hadn't intervened, which left Emperor Kong puzzled. What was going on with the Ghost Clan? Why did they intentionally send the Shadow Ghosts to their deaths?

"This isn't like the Ghost Clan's style. They must have other plans," Emperor Kong affirmed.

Indeed, about two hours later, the Ghost Clan forces finally arrived, but after the earlier battle, the Beastmen had suffered losses and were unable to withstand the Ghost Clan's army.

In this battle, the Beastmen were no longer the primary fighting force. Let's not forget, the Soldiers of Rainless City had been waiting in the rear all along.

"A mere city dares to obstruct the advance of our Ghost Clan's army. Truly ignorant of their own mortality!"

A chilling voice spread eerily across the battlefield, sending a shiver down the spine of everyone who heard it. (To be continued...)

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