Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:45 AM

Chapter 423: Ghost Master Moyu

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Chapter 423: Ghost Master Moyu

Amidst the Ghost Clan army, eight strong-bodied members of the Ghost Clan carried a massive sedan chair. Inside the sedan chair sat a female Ghost Clan member with three horns protruding from her head.

The appearance of this female Ghost Clan member was enchanting, even from a human aesthetic perspective, she could be considered exceptionally beautiful. However, her voice demanded respect rather than familiarity.

She was Ghost Master Moyu of the Ghost Clan, who appeared quite youthful but, in reality, her age placed her firmly in the category of an old lady by human standards.

The average lifespan of the Ghost Clan was almost three hundred years, more than three times that of humans. A Ghost Master in her hundred-and-something years was considered relatively young within the Ghost Clan, and Moyu was highly popular among them.

After uttering those words, Ghost Master Moyu waved her hand, and a layer of emerald-green armor seemed to appear on the advancing Ghost Clan soldiers, protecting them.

This was the power of a Ghost Master. At Moyu's level, she could apply a defensive buff to over a hundred thousand Ghost Clan soldiers at once. The difference between a Ghost Clan army with a Ghost Master and one without was like night and day.

This was precisely why humans disliked facing Ghost Masters. With a single buff, these individuals made it incredibly difficult for humans to defeat even a single Ghost Clan soldier.

As expected, upon seeing the emerald-green armor, the human soldiers' faces turned pale. They had heard that with this defensive armor, even their laser guns would require multiple shots to take down a First Order Ghost Clan member. When facing stronger Ghost Clan members, they stood no chance.

"Is this the ability of a Ghost Master? Regardless, being able to buff so many Ghost Clan soldiers at once indicates her considerable strength," analyzed Emperor Kong.

"Now is not the time for analysis. Given the current state of the Ghost Clan army, the Beastmen will likely be wiped out in the first wave of attacks, and the soldiers of Rainless City won't hold up either," Emperor Yu said.

"It seems we must bring out a portion of our strength. We'll have our people intervene, and... I'll go deal with that Ghost Master later," Eastern Emperor said.

White Emperor had sustained serious injuries when dealing with an Eighth Order Ghost Clan member before. He couldn't act for a short while. Emperor Yu's strength was on par with White Emperor's, and as the leader, Emperor Kong couldn't easily join the fray. This left only Eastern Emperor to act.New novel chapters are published on

"Are you confident?" Emperor Kong looked over.

Eastern Emperor shrugged, "Shouldn't be a problem. Unless the opponent is at the pinnacle of Eighth Order."

Eastern Emperor currently possessed Late Eighth Order strength, and even when facing a peak Eighth Order opponent, he was confident he could retreat.

"This human emerged so quickly. Wasn't it said that Rainless City only had two Eighth Order Mid-Term City Lord-level experts? This person has clearly reached Late Eighth Order," Moyu felt deceived. The intelligence from the Ghost Clan's representative on this side was unreliable.

If it weren't for the current predicament, she would have definitely sought out this representative and given them a good thrashing. If she had known that the opponent had another Late Eighth Order City Lord-level expert, she would have brought along another follower instead of being arrogant with just one.

Ah Gou's strength was only at Eighth Order Mid-Term, but he was only a step away from Late Eighth Order. If she hadn't given Ah Gou the armor, he probably would have lost already.

Moyu felt frustrated. Little did anyone know that Ghost Masters had their own specializations. Each Ghost Master would only learn one particular aspect of power throughout their lifetime. For instance, Moyu specialized in defensive abilities.

Some Ghost Masters focused on offensive abilities. These two categories accounted for the majority. There were also some rare Ghost Masters with unique specialties that Moyu hadn't encountered much.

As such, her abilities were limited to defense and not offense. Her personal strength was only at Eighth Order Mid-Term. She likely wouldn't even defeat Ah Gou if she went into battle.

"Do I have to use that move? But if I do, then..." Moyu hesitated.

Each Ghost Master had their trump card. She could use a move that would grant Ah Gou defense comparable to a peak Eighth Order for a short period, but the cost was that she would be incapacitated for a month.

A month was not a short time, and who knew what might transpire during that period.

When a Ghost Master lost their power, the consequences were dire, especially for someone as attractive as her, who had attracted the attention of many young Ghost Clan members.

She looked up, seeing that Ah Gou was already in a weakened state. It was only a matter of time before he was defeated, and her own defeat would follow soon after.

A decision had to be made.

Just as she was preparing to use that move, a voice reached her ears, "My Lady, a Fifth Order Ghost Clan member wishes to speak with you. She claims to have a highly confidential matter."

"A confidential matter? Have her come over." Hearing this, Moyu temporarily put aside her trump card and prepared to listen to what this supposed confidential matter was. (To be continued...)

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