Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:42 AM

Chapter 425: The Destitute Prince is Inferior to a Dog

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Chapter 425: The Destitute Prince is Inferior to a Dog

Seeing that Spy Number Three had successfully infiltrated the Ghost Clan, Su Chen felt relieved. All three of his Spies were proving useful. Wait a moment, it seemed like Spy Number Two didn't have a task.

Thinking about this, Su Chen wondered if he should give some tasks to Spy Number Two on his side. After all, if you didn't send a Spy out, could you really call them a Spy?

In that instant, Spy Number Two, who was currently helping with tasks, felt a chill down his spinea sense of impending doom.

"Commander, all the people within a five hundred-kilometer radius have been brought to the cities around the Base. Currently, there are less than four hundred thousand people remaining," Ju Ling reported to Su Chen.This chapter is updated by nov(e)(l)

"Why are there so few people? Didn't the villagers say there was a city named Huofa City nearby?" Su Chen found it somewhat strange.

"Huofa City was destroyed by the Ghost Clan two days ago. Less than fifty thousand managed to escape. According to your orders, Commander, we're not engaging the main force of the Ghost Clan. Those people are just a small portion we've gathered."

Su Chen rubbed his nose. So, it seemed he had to take the blame for this?

"Let's set aside Huofa City for now. Are there really so few people left on Yan Yun Star? Less than four hundred thousand within a five hundred-kilometer radius?"

"Most of the villages have been infected by the Ghost Clan's pathogen, turning into Shadow Ghosts. Otherwise, the number of villagers could have been twice as much."

The term "Shadow Ghosts" had been established by now and was being used within the Red Alert Base. Even the people of Yan Yun Star had come to know that the creatures resembling the Ghost Clan were called Shadow Ghosts.

Ju Ling took out a faint black crystal and placed it in front of Su Chen. "This is something our Soldiers obtained from inside the Shadow Ghosts. It's similar to Earth's Energy Crystals, but after testing, we can't use this type of Energy Crystal directly. It needs to go through energy conversion, but the people of Yan Yun Star can."

After adjusting her thoughts, Ju Ling said, "A Soldier just reported that a man who claims to be a prince of Yan Yun Star wishes to see Commander."

Su Chen's interest was piqued. A prince of Yan Yun Star? With the situation on Yan Yun Star being what it was, it was surprising that there was still a bigshot among the few hundred thousand survivors.

However, a destitute prince wasn't worth much when two-thirds of Yan Yun Star had been occupied by the Ghost Clan. His so-called royal identity was meaningless.

Su Chen had known that Yan Yun Star was a unified planetary government with a king who held considerable power. Before Yan Yun Star encountered trouble, this prince must have been fawned over by many. But once Yan Yun Star faced difficulties, these princes became irrelevant.

If this prince had been doing well, how could his own Soldiers have captured him?

"Let him come."

Before long, a somewhat disheveled middle-aged man was brought before Su Chen by Soldiers. This so-called prince seemed taken aback to find that the highest authority figure in the Base was so young.

"Greetings, Commander." Even though he was down on his luck, he had once been a prince, and he still retained the etiquette. Su Chen glanced at the man and remarked, "Hey, aren't you that homeless man who got knocked out while arguing with the Soldiers?"

Su Chen suddenly remembered that he had unintentionally witnessed a homeless man arguing with the Soldiers, only to get knocked out. He never thought that the man would turn out to be a prince of Yan Yun Star.

The prince's face flushed. At that time, he was merely testing the waters, but he unexpectedly got knocked out and brought here. He actually got turned into a 'guest'.

Su Chen propped his cheek up with his right hand, extending his left hand almost automatically. At the opportune moment, Ju Ling gracefully handed him a cup of tea. Her movements were extremely fluid. (To be continued...)

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