Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:37 AM

Chapter 428: Impressive Strength!

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Chapter 428: Impressive Strength!

Su Chen had long grown accustomed to the System making its presence known from time to time, so he was only slightly surprised before returning to his usual composure.

"Are there any other conditions or restrictions? Please explain them all at once."

"There's one more condition: master can only deploy a corresponding number of experts when the opposing side mobilizes experts of the eighth order or above. You cannot actively send eighth order experts into action."

Su Chen's eye twitched. Seriously? You're taking this seriously? I was just speaking casually!

Su Chen understood that the System wanted him to protect these people with other means of power, without using Superweapons or eighth order experts. This definitely raised the difficulty level considerably.

"Tanya, Ju Ling, return. Without my command, those of eighth order or higher are not to participate in the battle."

No one opposed Su Chen's words. Soon, Tanya and Ju Ling returned to his side, resuming their roles as maids.

However, a large number of Red Alert forces armed with various weapons sped towards the location of the Ghost Clan.

Even without eighth order experts, Su Chen was confident in his subordinates' capabilities.

Tank units assembled and set off on the ground, while the sky was dominated by Kirov Airships, along with various flying weapons like Fighter Jets and Helicopters, and even airborne units.New novel chapters are published on

This time, the Red Alert Base was almost fully mobilized!

On the other side, the Ghost Clan was currently dealing with the Beastmen of Burst cultivation, keeping extremely busy. The eighth order Ghost Clan members, acting as the king's bodyguards, had dealt with several powerful Beastmen and had now returned to the side of the Ghost Master.

"Ghost Master, your condition..." the eighth order Ghost Clan member's expression turned somewhat sorrowful. The benevolent elder before him had very little time left.

Each Ghost Master possessed unique abilities, and this elderly Ghost Master had mastered an especially rare ability. This ability was peculiarit couldn't be exactly classified as support or defense; it was like a skill that defied categorization.

He could offer significant assistance to the Ghost Clan while also releasing a special protective membrane during critical moments. This membrane could mitigate certain types of damage.

Because of the presence of the Ghost Master, their group of Ghost Clan members could break through to the surface and reach this point.

This only further emboldened his arrogance. He completely abandoned defense and focused solely on the Red Alert army. In a short time, they had lost over a dozen tanks.

At this moment, a beam of light shot toward his back. He arrogantly made no attempt to evade it, but his expression changed the instant the beam hit him.

He was immobilized!

Not entirely, though; he still had some resistance left. However, when several more beams appeared and struck him, he truly couldn't move.

At this critical juncture, the Chrono Legionnaire made their appearance!

The current Chrono Legionnaire had undergone evolution, thanks to Su Chen spending millions of energy to buy them an evolution opportunity. In other words, Chrono Legionnaire was the first type of unit, aside from super units, to receive evolutionary improvements.

This evolution didn't just pertain to individual units; even their equipment evolved automatically, becoming even more powerful. It also came with an added effect: when using weapons, Chrono Legionnaires could move slowly.

The eighth order Ghost Clan member was immobilized by Chrono Legionnaire's weapon. Given enough time, they would nullify even the eighth order Ghost Clan members.

Seeing their king captured, the Ghost Clan members grew anxious. Several seventh order Ghost Clan members gathered together, preparing to charge and rescue their king.

Would the Red Alert forces grant them that opportunity?

"Ice Helicopters, attack!"

A batch of Ice Helicopters that had been in standby mode flew forward. They emitted numerous icy beams on the frontline of the Ghost Clan, turning any target hit into ice sculptures in an instant.

Even seventh order Ghost Clan members were frozen, their bodies encased in frost. Their bodies stiffened, rendering them combat ineffective.

"The freezing effect of the Ice Helicopters' beams is quite remarkable. It might serve as temporary refrigeration when there's no freezer around." Su Chen's thoughts were unique, to say the least.

Su Chen livestreamed this battle synchronously, broadcasting it to all the people around the Base city on the Yan Yun Star, including Hui Pu Prince.

"So, this is the strength of the Red Alert Base. Impressive!" Hui Pu Prince murmured. (To be continued...)

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