Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:36 AM

Chapter 429: Essence of Ghost Patterns

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Chapter 429: Essence of Ghost Patterns

These people watched the battle between Red Alert Base and the Ghost Clan from start to finish. It was obvious that the formidable power of Red Alert Base, a City Lord-level Expert high above, who could resist attacks even from Warships, was now trapped like this?

There was also the formidable army of the Ghost Clan. In the past, humans couldn't stand up to them at all. But here, the situation was reversed, with humans suppressing the Ghost Clan army. This was just not logical!

With the current weaponry of Red Alert Base, suppressing some members of the Ghost Clan wasn't an issue. The problem was that there were just too many of them.

One million members of the Ghost Clan, even if a quarter of them turned into Beastmen and were mostly wiped out earlier, the remaining number of the Ghost Clan was still close to seven hundred thousand.

Among the Ghost Clan, there were no men who stayed behind while women fought, as the saying went. Every member of the Ghost Clan on the battlefield was a warrior.

Facing the fearless and relentless Ghost Clan army, even the Red Alert forces were having a hard time resisting. The physical strength of the Ghost Clan was just too terrifying.

Moreover, these Ghost Clan members were wearing armor that only protected certain key areas. It seemed like there wasn't enough metal to go around.

But after Red Alert's aerial forces intervened, the Ghost Clan began to collapse.New novel chapters are published on

"Let the Flying Head Ghosts take action and take down the humans' airborne weapons." A Seventh Order Ghost Clan member shouted, and Wang Wufa gave the command, granting them temporary authority.

Soon, tens of thousands of Flying Head Ghosts flew out from the rear, a dark and intimidating mass, looking incredibly fearsome.

"Target the Flying Head Ghosts and open fire!"

All sorts of light beams, bullet shells, and more flew towards the direction of the Flying Head Ghosts. In an instant, several hundred Flying Head Ghosts were taken down, and the liquid produced upon their deaths even ended up killing a number of Ghost Clan members.

Even so, the Flying Head Ghosts didn't stop. They flew with all their might, aiming to destroy the humans' aerial weapons.

Finally, the Flying Head Ghosts approached the Red Alert Air Force, only to be met with even fiercer attacks!

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Based on my research, that seems to be the case. Maybe there was a genius among the Ghost Clan in a certain era who came up with the concept of Ghost Patterns and imprinted it into their genes. And it wasn't just one or two imprints; probably all the Ghost Clan members at the time were imprinted. Since then, all born Ghost Clan members have naturally possessed Ghost Patterns. Ghost Patterns have various functions, like Burst cultivation during critical moments. The energy won't exceed the body's limits, as the energy circuit offsets a lot of pressure. It also strengthens the body, which explains why the Ghost Clan has such strong physical qualities."

The more Yun Ru researched Ghost Patterns, the more she had to admire the person who originally came up with the idea. Who could think of imprinting such a concept into the genes of the Ghost Clan, something that couldn't be altered?

If they forcefully altered the Ghost Patterns in the genes, it would lead to gene collapse and the instant death of that Ghost Clan member.

It could be said that without Ghost Patterns, the Ghost Clan wouldn't have achieved what it had now.

"Can Ghost Patterns be used as a standalone technology?" Su Chen was even more interested in this.

"Not at the moment. I've only grasped the basic idea of this technology. To fully develop it as a standalone technology will take more time."

Even Yun Ru couldn't promise how long it would take to completely comprehend this technology.

If they could apply the Ghost Patterns technology to Red Alert Base, Yun Ru could already envision how much stronger the base would become.

"It's okay, no rush. The Base isn't urgently in need of this technology anyway. Just do your best," Su Chen didn't issue any compulsory orders this time. He knew that fully comprehending a brand-new technology was a challenging task.

"By the way, do you know if Ghost Patterns can transform a Ghost Clan member into a Flying Head Ghost?" Su Chen pondered this matter and suddenly asked.

"What? Flying Head Ghosts? How can a Ghost Clan member turn into a Flying Head Ghost? Isn't that just a branch of the Ghost Clan?" Yun Ru was quite astonished.

She had been inside the laboratory all along and was unaware of the situation outside.

Su Chen explained briefly, and Yun Ru furrowed her brow, "A Ghost Clan member transforms into a Flying Head Ghost just by shouting? Does that mean that Flying Head Ghosts aren't a natural branch of the Ghost Clan but were created? Ghost Patterns serve as an energy circuit, primarily reducing stress and storing energy... wait, I get it!"

Yun Ru's voice was filled with excitement, as if she had unraveled a long-standing mystery. (To be continued...)

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