Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:35 AM

Chapter 430: Breaking the Cocoon

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Chapter 430: Breaking the Cocoon

"Ghost Patterns can store energy. As long as the strength of the Ghost Clan reaches the fifth level, they can control the energy throughout their bodies and store it all in the Ghost Patterns. The location of Ghost Patterns is right in the brain of the Ghost Clan! Without energy support, the parts below the head of the Ghost Clan will instantly turn into ashes. The energy supports the head and transforms into a strong corrosive force through certain changes. This is the Flying Head Ghost!"

Yun Ru's words left Su Chen stunned. So, this was the Flying Head Ghost.

All along, Su Chen had thought of the existence of the Flying Head Ghost as a natural occurrence within the Ghost Clan, much like how there might be deformed births among humans. He never expected that the Flying Head Ghost was actually artificially created.

In the battlefield, nearly half of the Ghost Clan willingly turned into Flying Head Ghosts, immediately increasing the pressure on the aerial forces.

With the no-holds-barred power of the Flying Head Ghost, the Red Alert Air Force had to retreat, as the corrosive power of the Flying Head Ghost was quite terrifying.

The eighth-order Ghost Clan leader looked furious; his subordinates either died or became Flying Head Ghosts. For a leader, this was the greatest shame!


The eighth-order Ghost Clan leader suddenly roared, and under the control of the Chrono Legionnaire's Weapons, his body began to move slowly.

Su Chen was taken aback. The Weapons of the Chrono Legionnaire were highly unique. Even Yun Ru couldn't figure out their principles. Based on his previous tests, any unit caught by the Chrono Legionnaire would be unable to move, unless...

"Unless the opponent's strength has broken through!"

Su Chen's face darkened slightly. This eighth-order Ghost Clan leader's strength was formidable, reaching the Late Eighth Order. Even if he broke through to the pinnacle of the eighth order, he shouldn't be able to escape the Chrono Legionnaire's Weapons beam. What was going on?

It was the System that resolved Su Chen's confusion: "The opponent has evolved."

"Evolved?" Su Chen was taken aback. From the past until now, he had never witnessed anyone else's evolution. Only the super soldiers under his command had undergone several evolutions.

"Even with evolution, such a massive improvement all at once is unlikely."

"Just a single evolution certainly wouldn't suffice, but there seems to be something special within the opponent's body. Under extreme anger, a breakthrough-type evolution occurred spontaneously, completing five consecutive evolutions at once, resulting in a massive leap in strength. Master may not be aware that after a unit completes five evolutions, there will be a qualitative change in all aspects. This change is called 'Breaking the Cocoon!'"

Only by killing the humans in this base, especially the leader, could he vent all his pent-up fury!

"Leader? You mean Commander? Don't think that just because you're a bit bigger, you can be arrogant. My Drill Breaker is much larger than you!" Yun Ru casually waved one hand, and the enormous Drill Breaker, far larger than before, appeared in her hand.

No matter how many times Su Chen had seen this, he felt a bit speechless. Yun Ru might appear delicate on the outside, but she inexplicably favored these huge weapons. It was truly beyond help.

Libra remained silent, Psychic Power ready to erupt at any moment. This time, she wouldn't allow the enemy to get close to the Commander.

Ju Ling stood in the distance, holding her sniper rifle, Soul Slayer, her most powerful shot primed and ready.

Tanya quietly took out her twin guns, assuming a stance of gun combat. Her gaze was sharp; as long as the opponent revealed the slightest vulnerability, her bullets would instantly find their mark.

Su Chen's four super combat forces were all present!

Of course, it wasn't just them who had reached the Eighth Order Pinnacle. The second spy, disguised as a regular soldier, hid below, prepared to provide support at any moment.

The Eighth Order Pinnacle sniper was concealed in a very hidden spot, with the barrel aimed squarely at the head of the Ghost Clan!

The Eighth Order Pinnacle Chrono Legionnaire hadn't appeared here. With his instant movement ability, he could instantly appear on the battlefield, and with his strength and the use of his Weapons, even a Ninth Order Pinnacle wouldn't be able to withstand him!

In other words, as long as he found an opportunity, the Ninth Order Pinnacle Ah Hao would be trapped on the spot.

Su Chen had elevated the best of each unit to the Eighth Order Pinnacle; he was this extravagant with his energy because he believed that there were no weak units, only units that weren't used properly. Otherwise, he wouldn't have brought even the Red Alert Soldiers up to the Ninth Order Pinnacle.

Because Su Yi possessed Soulpower, Su Chen left her on Earth to guard Death Reaper Les. During their absence from Earth, Les wasn't allowed to step out of the room for even half a step.

So, only Su Er and Su Jiu were brought over by Su Chen. Among the Red Alert Soldiers who had become Eighth Order Pinnacle powerhouses, it was Su Er who had advanced.

"Commander, I can enhance the power of several officers, but they can't stray too far from me." These were Su Er's words. (To be continued...)

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