Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:31 AM

Chapter 432: Ju Ling's Cocoon Evolution

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Chapter 432: Ju Ling's Cocoon Evolution

Ju Ling knew that with her current strength, she couldn't avoid the situation, so there was only one way left: to exchange injury for injury!

As a long-range attack type of Super Soldier, Ju Ling understood that once the enemy targeted her, she became extremely vulnerable. Therefore, she had considered countless strategies to deal with this situation. Among them, the most suitable one for the current scenario was this.

Just as Ju Ling was preparing to fire another shot at the breach in the Ghost Clan's defenses, a voice echoed in her mind: "Commander Ju Ling, there will be a surge of power entering your body shortly. Please don't be alarmed."

She recognized the voice; it was Su Er's. Among the initial nine people who followed the Commander among the Red Alert Soldiers, these Super Soldiers were all very familiar with each other.

Out of trust for her comrade, Ju Ling instantly abandoned the idea of trading injury for injury. Soon, a mysterious power emerged within her body. At that moment, she felt like she had become a Ninth-Tier powerhouse!


A look of surprise appeared on Ah Hao's face as his attack missed its mark!

Ju Ling appeared not far away. The situation had been too dangerous earlier. If it weren't for Su Er granting his power, she might have had to take a certain step.

"The power on you isn't yours," Ah Hao noticed the peculiarity in Ju Ling's aura.

Ju Ling paid no mind to it. Even if the power wasn't originally hers, she could still use it effectively and effortlessly, without any sense of stiffness.

This was the strength of the Possession Type evolution template. It not only bestowed a significant buff on others but also made the recipient feel no strangeness.Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

Empowered by Su Er, Ju Ling's speed increased significantly, allowing her to dodge Ah Hao's attack.

"When I kill your leader, I want you all to become my subordinates," Ah Hao's heart was stirred. It would be a shame for powerful individuals like them to die. It was better to subdue them and have them as his underlings.

Su Chen rubbed his chin. Someone seemed to have said something similar before, but now the situation had evolved.

Ju Ling remained unfazed, and the battle continued.

Relying on her agile teleportation ability, Tanya relentlessly attacked the openings in Ah Hao's Ghost Armor. Her marksmanship was on par with Ju Ling's; each shot was strategically aimed.

Libra occasionally erected a Psychic shield for them but refrained from using her ultimate move again, using only a hint of Psychic power to disrupt the enemy.


Ah Hao burst forth with his cultivation, unparalleled power lifting Yun Ru and Tanya off their feet. He endured some of Libra's Psychic attacks and aimed directly at Ju Ling. He intended to kill her and prevent her success.

But he didn't know that Ju Ling only needed a moment.


A gunshot rang out, and Ah Hao's body came to a stop. He looked at his chest, where a hollow space had appeared. He could see the void behind his body from where he stood.

The bullet from earlier had pierced through his body, shattering his heart completely!

It had to be said that while Ghost Clan and Humans were different species, the location of their hearts was the same.

A Ninth-Tier pinnacle Ghost Clan powerhouse had died just like that.

Ju Ling's gaze was cold. The bullet that had just been fired was hers. She had already evolved five times, becoming a Super Soldier at the Ninth-Tier pinnacle.

If energy weren't an issue, Su Chen would have wanted everyone under his command to undergo Cocoon Evolution.

With the most powerful Ghost Clan member dead, the remaining Ghost Clan members were no longer a significant threat. Just as Su Chen was starting to believe that the crisis was over, the System's voice spoke up again: "Master, a massive energy fluctuation has been detected in the vicinity of the breach where the Ghost Clan appeared."

"What's going on?" Su Chen furrowed his brows and zoomed in on the map. He quickly located an ancient Ghost Clan member who seemed to be up to something.

"What is he doing?" Su Chen had a bad feeling.

The elderly Ghost Clan member was none other than the Ghost Master of the Footless Tribe. He knelt on the ground, his expression devout, as if he were praying. Intense energy fluctuations radiated from him.

Finally, he stood up from the ground, a resolute determination in his eyes.

"Ah Hao, bringing the Footless Tribe to the surface was a mistake from the start. Mistakes can only happen once, so... don't blame me."

After speaking, the Ghost Master's body turned to ashes in an instant, scattering in the wind. Subsequently, the ground began to shake violently! (To be continued)

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