Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:30 AM

Chapter 433: After all, I'm not a demon

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Chapter 433: After all, I'm not a demon

Su Chen could clearly see from the map that such a huge crater had actually been refilled by soil emerging from beneath!

"What's going on? This isn't scientific."

Unscientific, very magical. If Su Chen hadn't known that there was no such thing as magic on this planet, he would have thought he was seeing things.

Although there was no magic, in the eyes of some people, the actions of the Ghost Clan were almost like magic.

With no king or Ghost Master, the Footless Tribe had lost its resistance, and most of the Ghost Clan had been captured and locked in a specially built prison, awaiting one of two fates.

Naturally, one fate was for them to become miners. Su Chen was planning to develop his mining business on Yan Yun Star.

The second fate was, of course, research on materials. Su Chen wouldn't have any mercy towards the Ghost Clan. Researching them could help him quickly understand the principles of Ghost Patterns, which would be very helpful for Yun Ru's research.

With so much experimental material, Yun Ru's research speed increased significantly. After all, she didn't have to worry about the Ghost Clan dying out.

Through this live broadcast, the people living in the Base city of Yan Yun Star witnessed the true strength of their Red Alert Base. It was a million Ghost Clan, an army that could easily wipe out a city, yet they had perished here.

No one was more excited than Hui Pu Prince. He felt that he now understood the power of the Red Alert Base. With this strength, as long as they were given time, the possibility of restoration was real!

Once the restoration happened, he would be the new king, controlling a planet, leaving his mark in history!

"Hehehe... Hahaha..." Hui Pu Prince let out a disgusting laugh.

At that moment, a Red Alert Soldier notified him that the Commander wanted to see him.

Hui Pu Prince immediately composed himself. After confirming that his appearance was fine, he followed the soldier to the command room.

"Greetings, Commander." Hui Pu knew his place very well. Before the restoration, his so-called prince status was nothing. He positioned himself lowly.Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

Su Chen was somewhat satisfied with Hui Pu's behavior. At least he wasn't a brainless prince.

Once the Underworld of the Ghost Clan was found, their biggest advantage would be gone.

Generally, Ghost Clan members who came out of the Underworld had all their memories about the Underworld wiped out. They only knew one thing: to come to the surface and kill humans.

However, Su Chen knew that these Footless Tribe Ghost Clan members hadn't come to the surface through proper means. This meant they might know the way back to the Underworld!

Unfortunately, the most powerful king and Ghost Master were both dead, and it wasn't clear if the remaining lackeys would be of any use.

Now that he had a general idea of the situation, Hui Pu was taken away. Soon, three Seventh Order Ghost Clan members were brought forward.

"Humans, you better release us. The power of the Ghost Clan is beyond your comprehension!" one of the Seventh Order Ghost Clan members boasted.

Then... a Red Alert Soldier kicked him. He stomped on the Ghost Clan member, leaving a deep imprint of his boot on the face.

If Commander hadn't given orders, based solely on the disrespect towards Commander, the Red Alert Soldier would have killed him instantly!

The other two Seventh Order Ghost Clan members didn't speak. They knew that if they remained defiant as prisoners, they would only meet death more swiftly.

Just as there were traitors among humans, the same applied to the Ghost Clan. Any inequality, any humiliation, would cause a small portion of the Ghost Clan to harbor resentment. They would rather see humans win than the Ghost Clan flourish.

Clearly, the Ghost Clan member who was stomped on was not likely to be a source of information, but the other two were harder to predict.

Su Chen wore a gentle smile on his face, not at all like someone holding the power of life and death over countless individuals. "I brought the three of you here because I want to know one thinghow do you return to your Underworld?"

Even though he was being stepped on, the Seventh Order Ghost Clan member laughed heartily. "You think you can learn about our homeland? Dream on, go eat..."

He didn't finish his sentence. The Red Alert Soldier forcefully stamped on his head, crushing it instantly, leaving a mixture of red and white on the ground.

"Anyone who speaks will live, after all, I'm not a demon." (To be continued)

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