Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:29 AM

Chapter 434: The Secret of the Footless Tribe

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Chapter 434: The Secret of the Footless Tribe

If Su Chen had said this at the beginning, the three Ghost Clans probably wouldn't have believed it. However, with a precedent and a case of death, the remaining two Ghost Clans were afraid.

This was no longer just demonic; it was absolutely demonic!

They didn't want to die, otherwise, they wouldn't have preferred to be captured in battle and not died in combat.

If they truly sided with Wang Zhongcheng, they should have followed Wang.

Su Chen had grasped their hearts, which was why he had staged a play before them. Unfortunately, one of the actors had taken the easy way out.

As for why he didn't use Psychicpower to control them, the main reason was the existence of Ghost Patterns. This thing had become a small nemesis of Psychicpower, preventing even controlled individuals from revealing anything about the Underworld.

Unless... they volunteered the information!

This was a conclusion reached after discussions among several Super Soldiers. Su Chen decided to give it a try; even if it failed, there were still many Ghost Clan members left.

The two Seventh Order Ghost Clan members remained silent, seeming to continue their stubborn resistance.

"It seems you're unwilling to talk. In that case..."


Suddenly, two voices spoke simultaneously. They were the surviving Seventh Order Ghost Clan members. After they had shouted, they both stared at each other, seemingly surprised that they had the same thought.

"Very well, I like honest people. Come forward, one by one. Anyone who dares to lie will have a miserable death."

One of the Seventh Order Ghost Clan members was taken away. The other Seventh Order Ghost Clan member left looked uneasily at Su Chen. He was just a human, yet standing before him, it was as if everything had been laid bare.

That gaze... even Wang couldn't match it, could he?

"First question, where is your Underworld?"

"To be honest, I don't know..." The Seventh Order Ghost Clan member saw Su Chen's expression turn cold and hurriedly explained, "I'm really not lying. We indeed come from the Underworld, but when we arrived on the surface, we felt like we had instantly arrived there, not climbed up from beneath."

In the following days, no other Ghost Clan members appeared. Su Chen finally enjoyed some peaceful days. During this time, he hadn't forgotten to investigate the issue of the massive hole.

With the current technology of the Red Alert Base, even digging thousands of meters underground was no problem. Following Su Chen's orders, a group of engineers worked fervently, digging into the ground.

The result, at a depth of six thousand meters underground, was not the Ghost Clan's Underworld, but... oil.

Yes, the mineral deposit Su Chen had most hoped for had unintentionally been drilled out.

Su Chen couldn't help but laugh and cry. He had to temporarily abandon further digging and set up an oil well there. The rate of energy point accumulation increased once again.

On the seventh day after the start of the first-stage mission, as long as this day passed, the first-stage mission would be considered complete.

"I refuse to believe that Ghost Clan would still appear at this time. Could it be that their teleportation devices are everywhere?" Su Chen chuckled lightly, enjoying the massage services of Ju Ling and Tanya.

Su Chen seemed to have forgotten that there was a saying: "When you're too happy, disaster will strike."

Just as he was thinking this, the alert sound of the System rang out: "An Invader is approaching the Red Alert Base, 50 kilometers away!"

Su Chen abruptly opened his eyes, opened the map, and saw an object rapidly approaching the base.

"What is this?" Su Chen blinked. He wouldn't have found it strange if a Ghost Clan member had appeared. After all, the humans' enemies on this planet were the Ghost Clan. But what he saw was something different.

A gigantic rabbit!

This rabbit was easily a hundred meters in size. If graded according to the levels of Mutant Beasts on Earth, its strength definitely reached the eighth order!

An eighth order rabbit. Weren't the animals on Yan Yun Star supposed to be rare? How could a mutated animal appear?

However, after taking a closer look, Su Chen noticed a difference between this rabbit and the rabbits he remembered. Ordinary rabbits were usually white or gray, mostly solid colors. But this rabbit's body was mostly black, with many white patterns all over its body, giving it a peculiar appearance.

"The Invader is now 30 kilometers from the base, 25 kilometers... 10 kilometers!" (To be continued)

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