Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:18 AM

Chapter 439: Military Training

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Chapter 439: Military Training

(Note: I have changed Prince Hui Pu to Prince Hewlett, it felt odd while reading.)

After a discussion, they finally decided to send troops to completely eradicate this small Ghost Clan tribe.

However, this time it wasn't the Red Alert forces that would take action, but rather the newly established Restoration Army that had only been formed a few days ago!

"Let me be the overall commander of this battle?" Prince Hewlett stared in disbelief.

He thought he must have misheard. Shouldn't military personnel be in charge of such matters? After all, he was just a prince.

"Don't you want to restore the country? Don't you want to become a king? If you don't have significant achievements, do you think the world will recognize you as a king?" Su Chen said calmly.

Prince Hewlett trembled. It was true. If he didn't do anything, how could he become a king?

He knew very well that his father, the former king, didn't become king solely with the support of others. He had achieved remarkable things himself.

Without achievements, who would recognize him as a king?

"I understand. Thank you, Commander, for giving me this opportunity. But..." Prince Hewlett hesitated.

"But what?"

"But with the new recruits who have just established the Restoration Army, it's going to be difficult to take down a Ghost Clan tribe."

Not just difficult, it was practically impossible!

Prince Hewlett was well aware of the strength of the Ghost Clan. Even in a small tribe, there were Seventh Order experts. Meanwhile, the most powerful member of his Restoration Army was only at the Second Order level. How could they possibly win?

"I'll provide you with some weapons. Take a day to familiarize yourself, and attack there tomorrow. Any problems?"

Prince Hewlett's eyes lit up. He knew that the Red Alert Base had many powerful weapons. Even if he was given just a portion of them, he would have a chance to deal with the small Ghost Clan tribe.

He knew more than Su Chen did. The number of small Ghost Clan tribes wasn't large. They typically ranged from ten thousand to a hundred thousand people. Even if he had the misfortune of encountering the largest one with a hundred thousand people, the Restoration Army's numbers could still handle it.

This turn of events granted Rainless City eligibility for their invitations. Xia Ji Chu fell a bit short, but there was someone even stronger than him. Thus, Rainless City gained credibility.

However, they were unaware that Xia Ji Chu from Rainless City was no longer himself but a role played by Spy #1.

Upon receiving the news, Spy #1 immediately contacted Su Chen. He couldn't make this decision on his own.

"An alliance? Of course, we should form an alliance. How could we miss such a great opportunity?" Su Chen's lips curled.

Currently, there were two spies among the Ghost Clan. Spy #1's goal was to become a high-ranking member of the Yan Yun Star Humans.

Xia Ji Chu's identity was an excellent stepping stone. When the time was right, this identity could be discarded in favor of a higher one. This was the mission Su Chen had given to Spy #1.

A spark of excitement flashed in Spy #1's eyes. Finally, he had another task. Truth be told, he wasn't content with the identity of a city lord. Being Spy #1, he aimed to become the most formidable spy. Lingering in one place indefinitely wasn't an option.

With Su Chen's approval, Spy #1 started negotiating with the envoy.

"Lord Xia, have you reached a decision?" The envoy entered, neither servile nor overbearing.

"You can inform your master that Rainless City is willing to join the alliance."

The envoy's expression brightened. Rainless City's inclusion undoubtedly boosted the alliance's strength, which was a positive development. Once he conveyed the message back, he would likely receive a reward.

"Rest assured, Lord Xia. I will return and inform my master immediately. It won't be long before my master personally visits Lord Xia." The envoy prepared to leave.

Spy #1 hurriedly asked, "Why not let your master communicate directly with me?"

The envoy looked at Spy #1 curiously, as if surprised by the question. "Doesn't Lord Xia know? Regardless of the alliance, the first rule is to not disclose the identities of other alliance members. Even within our Human factions, there are Ghost Clan lackeys."

Spy #1 suddenly realized his oversight. He had forgotten that traitors were inevitable, whether on Earth or in Yan Yun Star.

If Yan Yun Star's traitors learned which alliances existed, they could follow the trail to find others. This would ultimately lead to the downfall of the alliance sooner or later. (To be continued...)

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