Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:16 AM

Chapter 441: The Proper Use of a Rabbit

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Chapter 441: The Proper Use of a Rabbit

With the appearance of the first Shadow Ghost, a part of the people started turning into Shadow Ghosts one after another. Prince Hewlett, who witnessed this scene, was almost scared to the point of wetting his pants.

"W-what's happening here? How did they turn into Shadow Ghosts like this?"

Unfortunately, no one answered his question. The appearance of the Shadow Ghosts caused quite a bit of chaos in the field. Without Prince Hewlett's orders, the new recruits of the Restoration Army didn't know what to do. They even forgot about their weapons and just started running.

This situation was different from fighting the Ghost Clan. The Ghost Clan was there to be killed without hesitation, but the Shadow Ghosts were originally their comrades.

One moment, they were comrades, and the next, they turned into Shadow Ghosts. They were afraid that they might also become Shadow Ghosts, so there was no thought of counterattacking.

Occasionally, a few people tried to fight back, but as the number of Shadow Ghosts increased, even they started fleeing.

Su Chen clearly saw this situation. He could be sure that these soldiers weren't harmed by the Ghost Clan. In fact, most of these soldiers hadn't even entered the battle.

Even so, they still turned into Shadow Ghosts, and their only action was moving the bodies of the Ghost Clan!

"Just as I thought, only people from Yan Yun Star are susceptible to infection. My subordinates and Earthlings don't seem to be affected. Could it be that this pathogen from the Ghost Clan has some kind of specificity?" Su Chen found it peculiar.

In reality, Su Chen had noticed before that only people from Yan Yun Star were turning into Shadow Ghosts. The people from his side who had come here hadn't shown any changes.Read latest chapters at nov(e) Only

Turning into Shadow Ghosts seemed to only happen to those who had direct contact with the Ghost Clan. The people in the Base city hadn't interacted with the Ghost Clan, and none of them had turned into Shadow Ghosts.

Yet, when they came to the battlefield and had contact with the Ghost Clan, they turned into Shadow Ghosts in large numbers.

Naturally, Su Chen wouldn't allow the number of Shadow Ghosts to keep increasing. He sent his subordinates to kill those Shadow Ghosts and saved the remaining members of the Restoration Army.

The Restoration Army soldiers were left trembling in fear. If the Red Alert Soldiers hadn't come to save them, they might have all turned into Shadow Ghosts.

"Do you have any research on Shadow Ghosts?" Su Chen asked Hewlett.

"I wouldn't dare keep it from you, my lord. We know too little about the Ghost Clan. If it weren't for me, as Prince, having access to some secrets, we probably wouldn't even know the general situation of the Ghost Clan," Hewlett said with a bitter smile.

"The Ghost Clan has been around for almost two years now, and you're telling me you haven't researched them during all this time?" Su Chen found it hard to believe.

Even Lisa's warship was conducting experiments on humans. How could there be no one researching the Ghost Clan here?

"Commander, just a few minutes ago, this person was still a Shadow Ghost. A living Shadow Ghost was brought here for dissection and research. Unexpectedly, the rabbit that was eating suddenly jumped onto him and bit his arm. Shortly afterward, he turned back into a human, although he hasn't woken up yet."

Yun Ru briefly explained what had happened, and Su Chen nodded before walking over.

This person was obviously a Restoration Army soldier, with traces of blood from the battlefield still on his body. Most of it was from the Ghost Clan's blood.

The blood of the Ghost Clan was different from that of humans. Humans had bright red blood, while the Ghost Clan's blood was dark, almost like ink.

Su Chen noticed the bite mark on the man's arm, and there was nothing special about it except for... the rabbit's saliva.

"Rabbit, do you know how you can turn Shadow Ghosts back into humans?" Su Chen asked.

"Meow meow..."

Translator Alice: "I don't know. I just thought he smelled good and wanted to taste it, but when I bit him, there was no taste. It wasn't delicious."

Su Chen recalled the first time he saw the rabbit, it actually took a bite out of the wall. He frowned. This rabbit was beyond saving.

The presence of a scent was probably due to the fact that Shadow Ghosts also carried some characteristics of the Ghost Clan, but they were too weak for the rabbit's taste.

The rabbit was quite a picky eater now, only eating Ghost Clan members that were at or above the fourth tier. Anything below that, and it wouldn't even look at them.

Su Chen couldn't be bothered to talk to the rabbit. Its mind was fixated on food. In that case, the most likely way to turn Shadow Ghosts back into humans... was the rabbit's saliva?

"Yun Ru, immediately analyze the rabbit's saliva."

Su Chen thought of this possibility. As a scientist, Yun Ru had already considered it. She pointed to a small device on the table and said, "I'm already in the process of analyzing it. It just needs some time."

After a while, Yun Ru obtained the results of the analysis.

"The rabbit's saliva contains a unique component with high activity, and it has a powerful effect in eliminating the Ghost Clan's pathogen."

Su Chen smiled. "So, you're saying the rabbit is a treasure after all? Its saliva can turn Shadow Ghosts back into humans. I never thought this would be the proper use of the rabbit." (To be continued)

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