Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:14 AM

Chapter 442: Restoration Elixir

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Chapter 442: Restoration Elixir

Shadow Ghosts can become Humans again!

As soon as this news spread, the people in the city widened their eyes. Could something like this really be possible?

"I don't believe it! Those are Shadow Ghosts, almost becoming part of the Ghost Clan. How could they possibly turn back into Humans with just a bottle of Elixir?"

"But the Commander of Red Alert Base said it. If he's not sure about it, how could he openly announce it?"

"Believe it or not, I do! My family has turned into Shadow Ghosts. I dream of turning them back, but I know I can't do it myself. But if the Red Alert Base Commander can, I'd devote my life to him!"

"Why are you still chatting? Red Alert Pharmacy is about to open, and if you don't hurry, there won't be any space left!"

For convenience, Su Chen had Yun Ru use rabbit saliva as a raw material to create a Restoration Elixir. This Elixir had only one purpose: to turn living Shadow Ghosts back into Humans, with no side effects.

With the Elixir ready, there naturally needed to be a store to sell it. Thus, the Red Alert Pharmacy was born.

Currently, the pharmacy only had a few types of Elixirs, such as the Transcendent Elixir, Restoration Elixir, and even an energy-restoring Elixir.

The variety of Elixirs was limited, to the point of being meager, but just the Restoration Elixir alone was enough to draw people in.

"Make way, I want to buy a Restoration Elixir!" someone shouted.

"Don't push from behind, if you keep pushing, you'll really push someone out. Move back!" a person clutched their stomach, a constipated expression on their face.

These people had gone crazy trying to buy the Restoration Elixir.

"Everyone stand back, move away from me!" suddenly a roaring voice rang out, nearly bursting their eardrums.

Upon hearing this, some turned pale with fear. They saw Red Alert Soldiers approaching with weapons in hand.

With Red Alert Soldiers maintaining order, these people finally fell in line, queuing up to purchase Elixirs.

But what were they using to buy these Elixirs?

Quite simple, they were selling themselves!

To buy the Transcendent Elixir, they had to serve for 10 years. During these ten years, they wouldn't receive any salary, but they would have food and shelter. They were also not allowed to leave the city of Red Alert Base.

During this period, Su Chen had almost forgotten about the paratroopers who were tirelessly exploring the map outside.

"You've worked hard," Su Chen's voice appeared in the minds of all the paratroopers.

At this moment, no matter which paratrooper it was, no matter what they were doing, their faces were filled with excitement.

"To serve Commander is our lifelong duty!"

Su Chen had previously told them that if they found any valuable resources like ore, they could mark the location temporarily and didn't need to report to him.

Su Chen wasn't as concerned about resources like ore anymore. Earth's Origin Land was constantly mining a large amount of resources daily, and he wasn't interested in common resources.

Unless it was a special kind of resource or something that wasn't available on Earth.

However, it was the same universe, the same planet.

While Yan Yun Star might seem vastly different from Earth, some basic resources were the same gold, silver, copper, and even oil.

The only difference was that the technological paths of Yan Yun Star and Earth diverged. They didn't use fossil fuels like oil; they relied on a type of crystal energy source.

This crystal contained immense energy and could provide ample power for various weapons. The energy source for Warships also came from these crystals.

On this planet, many wars had occurred over Crystal ore.

The energy in Crystal ore was different from Energy Crystals. Humans couldn't directly absorb it; it could only be used to provide energy to weapons.

He had only recently learned that there was Crystal ore on Yan Yun Star.

Just then, a paratrooper Captain reported, "Commander, we've found a deposit that's entirely like crystals. We can't identify it."

A deposit that's entirely like crystals?

Su Chen located the position of this paratrooper Captain and enlarged the image. He saw a cave filled with translucent stones emitting a faint glow.

"Crystal ore?" (To be continued)

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