Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:13 AM

Chapter 443: Raid and Strike!

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Chapter 443: Raid and Strike!

Su Chen saw it very clearly. This was a cave, and the paratrooper squad seemed to be resting here temporarily. They had unintentionally discovered this Crystal Ore.

It must be noted that most of the Crystal Ore on Yan Yun Star had been discovered, and the undiscovered Crystal Ore was already scarce.

He checked the map and found that the distance to the Base was at least over eight thousand kilometers. Such a long distance would take a considerable amount of time for the MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) to travel.

Since it was a mineral deposit, they definitely had to establish a Base there. But constructing a Base without an MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) was impossible.

So, the question arose: How could they quickly transport the MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) there?

Large transport aircraft wouldn't work.

The weight of the MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) was simply terrifying. It couldn't be transported by an aircraft.

Thinking it over, it seemed like there was no other way besides slowly driving the MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) over there.

"Commander, should we let the Chrono Legionnaires give it a try?" Ju Ling suddenly suggested.

Su Chen was taken aback. Chrono Legionnaires?

Regardless of any differences among the Chrono Legionnaires, they all shared a common ability: teleportation.New novel chapters are published on

Su Chen understood Ju Ling's idea. They could use the teleportation ability of the Chrono Legionnaires to move the MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle).

"Would that work?" Su Chen was skeptical. If he remembered correctly, the teleportation ability of the Chrono Legionnaires seemed to be limited to themselves. They couldn't teleport other objects, unless those objects were something they could physically carry.

"We won't know until we try," Ju Ling said with a slight smile.

The experiment was simple. Su Chen found an empty area and placed an MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) there. He surrounded the MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) with a large number of Chrono Legionnaires.

Among the Chrono Legionnaires, aside from the Hyperspace Legionnaires having the most distinct role, the other Chrono Legionnaires were relatively ordinary. Besides their teleportation ability, they didn't have many special features.

This experiment involved the more ordinary Chrono Legionnaires.

"Give it a try. See if you can teleport the MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) about ten meters away along with you," Su Chen instructed. If they could achieve this, transporting the MCV (Mobile Construction Vehicle) directly to the Crystal Ore location wouldn't be an issue.

According to the map, any location on the map was accessible to the Chrono Legionnaires through teleportation. The only downside was that they would be temporarily immobilized after the teleportation due to the side effects.

Not even ten minutes into the battle, the paratroopers had overwhelmed the Paratrooper Squad. After all, their numbers were superior. The Paratrooper Squad couldn't hold up.

Their Psychic shields shattered. If they hadn't retreated in time, they probably would have been wiped out there. Even so, half of them were injured.

The enemy was using laser guns. One shot would disintegrate an arm or leg into ashes.

None of the paratroopers cried out. They gritted their teeth, enduring in silence. They knew that as long as they didn't die, they could receive treatment once they got back. Their limbs would regrow.

Just as these people thought victory was in their grasp, they suddenly sensed something amiss. They turned to look, only to see someone grinning at them. It was a chilling smile.


In an instant, only one person from their group remained alive. The rest were all killed on the spot!

In the face of the Chronolegionair Troops, these people were too inexperienced.

Yuri Clones stepped forward, directly controlling the last survivor with Psychic powers. He gleaned from him that they came from a nearby Base named Fire Phoenix, ranking 49th on the Top 100 Base List!

"Ju Ling, prepare to eradicate this Base with a strike force," Su Chen said calmly.


Harm one of mine, and I'll make them compensate with a whole Base!

That was Su Chen's thinking. His soldiers were loyal to him, and as their commander, he couldn't let them suffer losses.

If the Commander of Fire Phoenix Base knew that he was about to have his Base wiped out because his subordinates had injured a few paratroopers, he would probably collapse in despair.

The soldiers of the Red Alert Base were heavily mobilized, noticeable even by those who were currently busy.

"What's Commander up to? Is it finally time for action?" Hewlett heard the sounds of tanks and aircraft and murmured to himself.

"Could it be that the time to reclaim our nation has come? The day I become king isn't far off, is it?"

While Hewlett was daydreaming, Su Chen sat in his chair, hands crossed beneath his chin, his gaze icy.

"It's time for people to understand the terror of Red Alert Base!" (To be continued...)

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