Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:07 AM

Chapter 447: Grand Move of the Ghost Clan

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Chapter 447: Grand Move of the Ghost Clan

One of the subordinates spoke, "Most of our informants within Ghost Clan are of relatively low strength. The strongest among them is only at the Seventh Order level. They cannot penetrate the core layers of Ghost Clan. The information they have is not very crucial."

Hearing this, the leader of the Humans was quite helpless. Of course, they were aware of this fact. Within Ghost Clan, only those with strength reaching the Eighth Order are considered truly high-ranking. A Seventh Order individual doesn't hold much significance.

Every time Ghost Clan takes action, the information they receive is delayed.

They had considered trying to turn the Eighth Order members of Ghost Clan, but it was difficult to make contact with them. Furthermore, they had no reason to be swayed.

Currently, Ghost Clan held the upper hand and was on the verge of controlling Yan Yun Star. In this situation, how could they be influenced by the Humans?

The situation on Yan Yun Star was different from that of Earth. At that time on Earth, the Mutants hadn't yet formed their influence, and the sole leader of the Mutant Beasts, Huo Yi, had been seriously injured by the South Emperor. He had to go into hiding to recover, leaving the Mutant Beasts without clear leadership.

Without a unified Mutant Beast force, no one wanted to give an advantage to other Mutant Beasts, which gave the Humans a chance to breathe.

Here, the situation was different. While there were distinctions between tribes within Ghost Clan, their authority was unified. It was said that within Ghost Clan, there was a supreme Emperor!

Yet, up until now, no one had seen this Emperor of Ghost Clan. Even the other powerful members of Ghost Clan were sufficient to deter the strong individuals among the Humans.

There had been ongoing debates among the Humans about whether the Emperor of Ghost Clan truly existed.New novel chapters are published on

If this figure existed, then the Emperor of Ghost Clan was likely a Small Galaxy-level powerhouse surpassing even Planet-level. Such a being, capable of traversing the cosmos with their physical body, was not something they could contend with.

It was precisely due to the lack of proof that the Humans had some confidence to resist. Once this matter was confirmed as true, their first consideration would likely be how to escape.

Even a Ninth Order powerhouse would lack the confidence to face a Small Galaxy-level expert; it would be suicide.

"If that great individual were still here, Ghost Clan wouldn't be so arrogant," sighed one of the Human leaders.

The person he referred to as the great individual was just one a former Small Galaxy-level powerhouse from Yan Yun Star's Humans. However, this formidable figure was too old and had long since passed away.

A group of leaders reminisced about times gone by, while Su Chen was currently in contact with Spy Number Three.

"You're saying that Ghost Clan is preparing for a major event recently?" Su Chen asked.

"Yes, Commander. Based on the information I've gathered, the high-ranking members of Ghost Clan are already in preparations. If I hadn't pretended to be injured, I'm sure the invitation would have reached me by now," Spy Number Three calmly replied.

"What's the Star Core?" Su Chen inquired, as he had never heard of such a thing before.

"It's said to be something that naturally forms within the body after the fall of a Small Galaxy-level powerhouse. It's not useful for ordinary people, but it's quite significant for those at or above the Eighth Order. If a Ninth Order peak expert were to use it, there's even a decent chance they could break through to the Small Galaxy level!"

The information from Spy Number Two was incredibly timely. Su Chen was glad he had sent him out.

Considering himself, if he were an Eighth or even Ninth Order expert, and the opportunity to become a Small Galaxy-level powerhouse was presented, who wouldn't be tempted?

"A Mysterious Star Core suddenly appears, and the Human powerhouses won't suspect anything?"

"They've already prepared countermeasures. In Yan Yun Star's history, there has been a Small Galaxy-level powerhouse. They'll use this figure as a decoy to attract the experts."

Su Chen was left speechless. He hadn't expected that even historical figures were taken into account. Ghost Clan was truly exhausting all means to deal with the Humans.

Especially now, when the Humans lacked the utmost combat power, if they knew of this opportunity, at the very least, the majority would be tempted, if not everyone.

Su Chen was well aware of the greedy nature of Humans.

"How will they execute this? Ghost Clan won't directly inform the Humans about discovering the Star Core, right?"

"I'm not sure about that either. This Ghost Clan leader only knows this much."

Su Chen cut off contact with Spy Number Two and contemplated the matter carefully.

Ghost Clan would definitely use a certain method to make the Humans aware of this information. The least suspicious way to achieve this was to have the Humans discover it themselves.

"Interesting. I wonder how they'll do it."

Su Chen didn't dwell on it; sooner or later, he would find out. Human powerhouses might go to compete for the Star Core, but what did the Star Core mean to him?

As long as he had energy points, wiping out Yan Yun Star wouldn't be an issue!

Suddenly, an interesting thought crossed Su Chen's mind. (To be continued...)

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