Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:04 AM

Chapter 449: Layers of Stratagems

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Chapter 449: Layers of Stratagems

These Human experts couldn't possibly have imagined that hidden from their sight, several powerful members of the Ghost Clan were lurking, observing them from a distance.

Praying mantis stalks the cicada, unaware of the oriole behind.

Not only did the Human experts possess a secret, but within the Ghost Clan, a secret also existed. However, there were gaps in this secret, and the highest-ranking Ghost Clan experts were unaware of it. Only a few eighth-order Ghost Clan members knew about this secret.nove(l)bi(n.)com

The Human secret was that in this location lay the tombs of Small Galaxy-level experts from Yan Yun Star's history. These tombs contained multiple Star Cores.

On the other hand, the Ghost Clan's secret was that the Human experts would appear in this place at this time. If the Ghost Clan mobilized all their forces, the Humans would be doomed.

But the eighth-order Ghost Clan members who heard this news didn't believe it. How could Human experts possibly gather in one place like this, unless they were privy to Ghost Clan's information?

This situation was absolutely impossible!

The hierarchy within the Ghost Clan was strict; orders from the higher-ups were not to be disclosed by the lower ranks. Moreover, only eighth-order Ghost Clan members were qualified to know of this scheme. So, how could the Humans possibly know?

There were only a few Ghost Clan members who held onto the idea of giving it a try. When they arrived at the location, they indeed discovered the presence of Human expertsmost of them, in fact.

They felt both relieved that they hadn't approached closer and regretful that they hadn't brought all of Ghost Clan's forces here. If they had, they could have eliminated the Human experts, leading to an early victory for the Ghost Clan.

Without the support of top-tier experts, what could Humans use to resist them?

Regret came too late, and it seemed that the Humans had caught wind of their scheme. What should they do next?

The eighth-order Ghost Clan members discreetly retreated and reported the information to the higher-ups of the Ghost Clan. Immediately, the Ghost Clan high-ranking members were alarmed.

What? Their scheme had been discovered?

They had missed out on such a great opportunity?

For a moment, the Ghost Clan high-ranking members were filled with frustration. They had casually thrown away an easily attainable victorywhat a waste.

"Ghost Master, what should we do next? Are we going to abandon this plan?" one eighth-order Ghost Clan member couldn't accept it.

Once the Human experts were all wiped out, the Humans would be finished.

"This is such an interesting affair. It'd be a shame not to participate," Su Chen thought, contacting Spy #1 directly. "Prepare in three days."

Spy #1 was taken aback. Prepare? Prepare for what?

"Is that what the Commander says?"

"In three days, there will be a major event involving Humans and the Ghost Clan. We'll get involved."


Spy #1 was even more bewildered. He couldn't fathom what kind of major event involving Humans and the Ghost Clan was happening in three days. Were they already preparing for the final battle?

That couldn't be true. Had the heads of Yan Yun Star's high-ranking gone mad?

Even a fool knew that Humans' strength couldn't match Ghost Clan's. To engage in a direct confrontation was simply seeking death.

"Commander, what's going on?"

Su Chen briefly explained, and then Spy #1 finally understood that all these events were orchestrated by their own Commander. He had people spread information on both sidesamong Humans and Ghost Clan. Spy #1 found it a mix of amusing and exasperating.

However, he had to admit that this method was indeed clever. Both the Humans and the Ghost Clan high-ranking members were kept in the dark. No one would suspect that all of this stemmed from a single individual's idea.

What initially was just an ordinary scheme had been transformed into a competition of acting skills between the two sides by Su Chen's intervention.

"Commander, what do I need to do?" Spy #1 immediately asked.

"In any case, if the high-ranking figures of Yan Yun Star are doomed, we'll have no choice but to leave this planet. So..." Su Chen paused for a moment and continued, "It's the perfect time for our Red Alert Base to make an entrance."

Spy #1's eyes lit up. "I understand. Commander's suggesting that we seize this opportunity to intervene and rescue these Human high-ranking members. On one hand, we can leverage this chance to spread the reputation of the Restoration Army among the ears of Human high-ranking members, making it easier for us to control Yan Yun Star in the future. On the other hand, we'll show them the might of our Red Alert Base!" (To be continued)

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