Published at 28th of June 2024 05:46:03 AM

Chapter 450: What Kind of Provocative Move Are You Up to Again?

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Chapter 450: What Kind of Provocative Move Are You Up to Again?


Su Chen looked puzzled. I just wanted to take you all out and show off a bit. Where did all these thoughts come from?

However, as a Commander, he couldn't let his subordinates know that he really had no extra ideas.

"Cough cough, you're right, but you still haven't grasped my deeper meaning."

Number One Spy's expression turned serious. "Please enlighten me, Commander."

"The strength of our Red Alert Base is unquestionable. It's only a matter of time before the Restoration Army loses control of Yan Yun Star. The issue is that this time, it's the first direct confrontation between Humans' high-ranking and Ghost Clan's high-ranking members. So, what do you think the final outcome will be?"

Number One Spy said without hesitation, "Humans will definitely lose."

This was a fact that couldn't be argued. If Humans had overwhelming power, the situation would be reversed.

"That's right, Humans will lose. According to your thinking, we should rescue the high-ranking Humans and gain some reputation while we're at it, right?"

Number One Spy looked puzzled. Wasn't that the way to go?

"Commander, what should we do then?"

Su Chen's lips curled up, revealing a confident smile. "It's simple. This world hasn't been pushed to its limits yet. They still have a glimmer of hope. What we need to do is be the final straw that breaks the camel's back. Only when they're pushed to their limits will they hope for a savior to appear."

Su Chen didn't continue with the rest of his words, but Number One Spy believed he understood.

"I see. Thank you, Commander, for clarifying. I won't disappoint you in this mission. However, our power is still lacking a bit. I hope we can borrow the strength of a few higher-ups this time." Number One Spy was well aware of his own capabilities. He wasn't the type of soldier who excelled in direct combat.

"Sure, I'll entrust this operation to you. You'll have temporary command authority," Su Chen said.

Number One Spy was deeply moved. Commander was temporarily handing over his own authority to him. This was a tremendous show of trust!

So, Level 9 permissions weren't the end?

"System, come out and explain to me. How many levels of permissions do I actually have?" Su Chen clenched his fist tightly.

"Currently, you possess Level 9 permissions, which unlocks the first sequence Commander permissions. As for the exact number of your permissions, that's a question I cannot answer."

"What is the first sequence Commander permissions, and how is it different from the previous ones?" This was what puzzled Su Chen the most. After all, the System had never mentioned this before.

"The first sequence permissions are quite simple. First, they merge all the permissions effects the Commander previously possessed into one, forming the first sequence permissions effect. They all become passive effects, with some effects being modified. The host doesn't need to trigger them actively, but of course, the host can choose to deactivate the passive effects."

"Second, the host's chance of triggering a ten-pull gacha increases by 5%, the probability of winning a jackpot in the lottery increases by 5%, and the realism level of constructing the Red Alert mod increases by 5%."

"Third, there are certain things the host was previously not authorized to know. Now the host can know them."

After pondering for a moment, Su Chen suddenly realized something. "Wait a minute, this means I'm actually losing out. What about the effects of my Level 9 permissions?"

"The effect of Level 9 permissions is to unlock the first sequence permissions. If the host is unsatisfied with the first sequence permissions, the System can choose to forgo unlocking the first sequence permissions."

"Well, that's a bit awkward, but since it's already like this, I guess it's fine." Su Chen's tone was resigned.

If the System could physically react, it probably would have wanted to kick Su Chen in the face. That tone was just too mocking.

The first permission combined all the previous eight Commander permissions into one, all converted into passive effects. However, Su Chen didn't understandsome of the effects made sense as passive, but for others, why change them to passive?

Like the "Unit Mimic" permission, which allowed him to borrow an ability from one of his subunits. Su Chen only used this permission when he needed to take action; he rarely used it otherwise. What would happen if it became a passive effect?

Random selection?

Did that mean he could experience four different abilities every day without doing anything? Wasn't that quite a thrilling prospect? (To be continued)

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