Published at 28th of June 2024 05:45:59 AM

Chapter 452: Sell, Sell, Sell!

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Chapter 452: Sell, Sell, Sell!

Wherever the Red Alert forces passed, not a single blade of grass grew!

This statement was no joke. As long as an area was passed through and occupied by the Red Alert forces, it would become the property of the Red Alert Base, and all the buildings and units inside could be sold.

Su Chen continued to conquer and sell, accumulating millions of Energy Points along the way.

He quickly calculated that this was even faster than obtaining Energy Points from mining resources.

Any building units that were sold became flat ground, whether they belonged to Humans or the Ghost Clan; the system didn't discriminate.

Captured Ghost Clan and Shadow Ghosts were all taken to the nearest Base and recycled using the Army Recycling Factory, bringing in more Energy Points.

As for the captured Humans, they were all brought into the Red Alert Base to increase its population, and their job was to mine!

"This method is really good. Why didn't I think of it before?" Su Chen regretted not using this approach back on Earth. If he had, he would have become a big shot a long time ago.

But it wasn't too late now, and Su Chen planned to make up for what he hadn't done before. Moreover, with his current strength, he could easily handle it, as long as he didn't provoke any experts above the ninth rank.

Su Chen only needed to do one thing: sell, sell, sell!

Sell all the building units, sell all the useless Ghost Clan and Shadow Ghosts, and if any Humans acted recklessly, they would be sold too. Su Chen wouldn't indulge them. Only those who were obedient would qualify to become miners.

The large-scale actions of the Red Alert forces caught the attention of the nearby Human and Ghost Clan powerhouses.

Due to the immense size of Yan Yun Star, Humans were organized into zones for management. Yan Yun Star was divided into 50 zones, and Su Chen was in the 49th zone!

As one of the lower-numbered zones, the strongest Human experts in this area were only at the 8th Order Early-Term. Faced with the Ghost Clan's massive invasion, they could only pray every day that the Ghost Clan wouldn't come for them.

But their illusions were shattered today.

"My lord, a scout has reported that there are large numbers of Ghost Clan appearing 0 kilometers away," a soldier reported to Li Jing.

Li Jing was troubled, and just then, another soldier entered.

"What's the matter? Have the Ghost God Army breached the city gates?" Li Jing asked.

"No, my lord. Our scouts have spotted an army heading towards our city. It appears to be a Human force."

"Really?" Li Jing was greatly relieved. He instinctively believed that this Human force was here to support them. After all, who would send troops wandering around at a time like this? Attacking the city hadn't even crossed his mind.

If they were willing to take over as the city's ruler, he would gladly step aside.

"Do you know who they are?" Li Jing inquired.

"Their response has been silent. We don't know the details," the soldier replied with a shake of his head.

Li Jing felt a trace of doubt. What was the situation with this Human force? But being fellow Humans, they surely wouldn't stand by without offering help.

"Send out a distress signal to them. Whether Shaling City can survive or not depends on this."

Meanwhile, several dozen kilometers away, the commander leading the Red Alert troops, Su Chen's trusted subordinate, Red Alert Soldier Su Jiu, was on the move.

Upon receiving Commander's orders, Su Jiu immediately led his troops toward the nearest city. He delegated the task of capturing Ghost Clan and Humans to others.

He hadn't forgotten Commander's instructions. They needed to occupy nine cities in the shortest possible time and gain complete control over them. In the past, on Earth, Su Jiu had experience with this kind of operation. However, this time, things were different.

Previously, he had infiltrated a city from within, gradually getting closer to the Controller and making them submit. But this time, the approach had changed. He led a large army, and if the opposing party didn't agree, they would resort to force.

With strength, they could be domineering!

For Commander's mission, Su Jiu wouldn't spare any means. The Red Alert Soldiers would give everything for Commander!

"Sir, there's communication from a city ahead. They're requesting our help against an impending Ghost Clan army. They promise substantial compensation afterward," a soldier reported to Su Jiu. (To be continued...)

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